
Indeed. We celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day at my place of work (a university with a high % of such). This year they sold t-shirts proclaiming “Party Like It’s 1491.”

It’s when we celebrate a greedy, genocidal maniac who “discovered” land where the idea of “dollas make us holla” was allowed to grow and foster into the deeply unequal, unempathetic, and inhuman hellscape that is the United States by having sales at stores that prey on the underclass.

This cat expresses me, perfectly, because this is nuts.

I believe that citizenship by birthright should he finished. It does not apply anymore. Outdated and dangerous.

Oh goodie! Since we’re just rewriting the constitution as we see fit, let’s start taking everyone’s guns! They’re dangerous, too, you know.

The way they want to overturn the 14th amendment is disgusting. My Babcia and Dziadzio came here in March 1952, and my dad was born in June of 1952. They obviously weren’t citizens at the time, so that would mean that people like my father and his two younger siblings would no longer be citizens of this country. Is

He is such a scumbag that words fail me. Before she met him she was a nurse at the prestigious M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and gave up her life to follow him around for his career and his religion, only to be totally failed by him in every way. Yet he forgives her.

Were they Australians? Because Australians like some weird shit on their burgers.

Coat fresh strawberries with brown sugar. Add sour cream (or kifer). That's it - amazing dessert.

I can’t believe you would even suggest something so dangerous. People on this forum ARE ALLERGIC.

DO IT!!! I am SO glad i did, i have gotten SO MANY compliments on my hair, my stylist (who i told i just want wash & wear style) tried to talk me out of them because they are a little more work but it is worth the couple of minutes because i look amazing

maybe people have a problem with using slavery as a metaphor? like using rape as a metaphor?

So many anti-gun control people love to compare guns to cars. More and more, I think we need to follow their lead and treat them like cars and treat gun ownership like driving. 6-8 week courses to get licensed, culminated with a test you must pass with a high percentage. You have to be insured and licensed to purchase

Actually, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. And it should be obvious by now that people pursuing their personal agendas in the aftermath of a mass shooting is par for the course. Odd that multiple actual Christians get gunned down in an actual church and there’s no hashtag movement, no cries of

I had a big argument over the gun control with my boyfriend yesterday. He was arguing with someone online (fuck!) that it wasn’t a gun control issue but an issue of mental health services. He brought it up to me afterwards, I guess he was hoping that I would validate his opinion, and wasn’t pleased when I said “I

Except you’re wrong. It could have still happened even if he’d gotten help for his mental health issues that we don’t even know he actually had. It could have happened anyway because of the proliferation of guns in this country and the ease in which they’re obtained.

Part of me hopes it was to power pantsuits and sensible heels.

Now explain to me why a waiter NEEDS over $20 an hour to survive and a teacher can babysit and educate brats while buying classroom supplies with their own money, on about $15 an hour.

Now wait a minute.... it’s just an assumption on your part (and the letter writer’s) that the server lied. He just as likely thought that was the case.

Ugggh, the “well, KNIVES!” people... I hate them. It’s gonna take you a hell of a lot longer to stab 25 people, you know.