
Even as I'm laughing at your schoolboy error (in every class-system game ALWAYS lead with the option that makes you good with guns, duh!), I want to hug you for being the world's other Alpha Protocol fan.

It makes me remember - I think it was either when the PS2 came out, or the PS3 was just about to come out - some marketing horseshit a Sony suit came out with about the next thing in console design was stackability; with the intention that Playstations would slot in in between your DVD players and... other crap you

The trouble is when 2 Peter 3:8 says "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." what source is he citing?

Of course it is.

I came here to:

Would really like an explanation of that.

Anyone who thinks Event Horizon is anything but metal: Outside. Now.

What was it implanted into?

This article is dumb. Everyone knows if you type "Google" into Google, that will break the internet.

By "talk to people" you of course mean "constantly ask - where's the internet?"

Did you not see Henry's corner the other day? Have patience!

As someone who kind of enjoyed watching friends play Mass Effect, but never partaking myself, the best thing to do is to yell "FOOKEN PRAWNS MAN!" whenever Reapers show up. Your friends will not find it annoying and demand you leave the room.

Ugh. Garrus is the worst.

Is that interesting?

[luxuriates in your inevitable disappointment]

I thought this. But Sunday's episode made me realise just how enjoyable it was keeping up with all the criminal hijinks.

Nonsense. Puberty was that time.

The Commodore 64 put me off PC gaming for... lemme count... 23 years. SYNTAX ERROR!

Not only is this analogy breathtakingly dumb - the situation it describes is the same whether one has a collander hymen or not - the article is pretty clear what the video is and is not explaining.

This wasn't even the most retarded part of this episode.