Well, then let this be where you explain exactly how his statement would have been so radically different if he had used the French as an example, or the Germans, or any other country.
Well, then let this be where you explain exactly how his statement would have been so radically different if he had used the French as an example, or the Germans, or any other country.
Hitler: Don't appease him.
The BBC has a similar motto for it's news gathering apparatus: "Trust, but verify."
Again, why am I having to supply meaning to your vague (and therefore meaningless) assertions? The point is YOU cannot define exactly what you mean beyond recourse to jargon and buzzphrases. And so even if I supplied my own definition of what constituted "leftism" and "gay rghts" based on what I guessed you might have…
'like' doesn't mean 'are'
Actually it was. In fact the way I put it was less embarrassing because I left out the whole "You're just jealous of our POWER" part.
And my point is that that point is hilarious.
And my point is that reasoning is hilarious.
I didn't make a point: I asked you to prove your assertion.
Maybe it was like a million years ago and maybe the world doesn't need to be forced to share in your extended grief session.
Stand clear of the balls please.
I didn't realise it was the "millennials" who invented "I hate niggers - unless they play for my ball team, then they're alright". Seems to me that's been a trope for easily half a century at least.
"This is why people hate Americans..."
Why am I the one having to go out and prove your assertion?
6. That logo is shit.
"A $60 million fine, with the proceeds going to an endowment fund for victims of sexual abuse."
What else would it be about given that they don't even get paid? If they're playing for the love of the sport then this really changes nothing. Except their chances of having their picture taken kissing a giant golden chalice or whatever you win in college football championships nowadays.
Well I guess that's a lesson about building a town and an EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION around a football team.
"Land of abundance"?
This really seems like the kind of thing that would require like... some evidence?