
Maverick soccer player Mario Ballotelli had had a good night at the casino. Driving home he was stopped by the police on a routine DWB, as you do. While searching him, an officer found about £5000 in cash in one of his pockets. This is the ensuing conversation verbatim:

I'll get this out of the way so we can all save time...

So... every (mushroom) cloud...

And then they find who made the virus and fight him and then zzzzzzzz

Does that mean I have to draw it myself, or what?

I see now. So when you wrote the words "I just don't understand why they would put one in FFVII" what you actually meant was something completely different.

Now playing

A spokesman said "This is the one thing that we didn't want to happen."

"Americanos, let it be that the UK and England ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE TERMS."

It's not that hard. England and Scotland were countries. Then at one point they decided that they should just get together and share a government (and king) instead of fighting each other all the time and became the United Kingdom. Great Britain is the place where these countries can be found.

Surely that's obvious?

I'd be plagiarising the shit out of this on Facebook if I thought anyone I knew had heard of this woman.

I was referring to the Compilation. Specifically to the plots of those games, which were the worst kind of crazy anime nonsense, and the characters - the old ones were Flanderized and the new ones... I mean Jesus Christ... Those retarded crying Jenova triplets? That douchebag who just so happens to be just as powerful

Why? Got the job done the first time.

You don't understand why the re-release of an RPG designed to appeal mostly to people who have already played the game would include a tool designed to make it easier to cut out the grinding and make it easier to have a quick play through of the story or just fuck about.