
If you read what each state that seceded stated in their Declarations of Causes of Seceding States (their primary sources are online) they do indeed blatantly state that slavery is a big cause of why they wanted to secede. The southern states wanted to be sovereign in their own rights because they hated how the north

I meant to say that this has the southern states’ “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession from the Federal Union,” that were written between 1860 and 1861. These are very interesting items to read and gave me a larger understanding of their point of view directly since these are

Slavery wan’t “a moment of shame” it was/is a monument of shame and” “surrender fugitives from labor” was talking about slaves, not bad criminals that had escaped from the southern states. The southern states felt that their economic success didn’t depend on the federal government, but that the north did. Georgia

Good post! That person is just being a troll at this point and will never listen to anything that s/he doesn’t think is right, (which you probably know, but it’s good to hear people not stand for such hatred).

That’s the point. If we don’t tell racists that they are racists, then we are either tacitly/wholeheartedly agreeing with them or we are cowards.