Likely personal preference. If I have a reference to go off of, most cosplay, even well done, still have a toy-ish vibe to it.
Likely personal preference. If I have a reference to go off of, most cosplay, even well done, still have a toy-ish vibe to it.
Cool. Whatever, you understand the point I would hope. And with books there’s rarely visuals, there’s only a vague image in people’s head that is not nearly as concrete as when it’s drawn or live action.
Looks better than I thought, but you can’t avoid that cheap look anytime you take an IP and change its original medium. When you make a cartoon or game live action, it’s damn near impossible for it not to look like cheap cosplay. The best way to go about it is re-imagine the character’s look for live action only. That…
Love that title. Thanks for reviewing this. I’m very interested in checking it out.
I mean Raiden is clearly banging Sub-Zero from behind.
They have Kuzma who is a very good player for them.
So what? How does that change anything? If younger audiences can’t understand the remake is a different game, then oh well. They can still play older FF7 on the multiple platforms its been released on, including Steam and mobile. If Square feels they can make an even better game now, then go ahead. FF7 was released in…
This may sound crazy, but if you loved everything about the older game and its playstyle... you can still play the older game with its playstyle. It will always be there. For something new, I can see why they’d want to modernize some aspects because that battle system is 20+ years old and they get to bring back…
It’s a company dude, not some emo teenager.
People should realize that in order for the Raptors to have a chance at beating the Warriors, they kind of NEED Drake to troll the players and get in their heads (especially when KD gets back, because then they’ll have no chance). When Draymond is worrying about arguing with Drake after just losing a game... that’s a…
It’s the best example of a successful live service game with content at the ready for gamers to sink their time into for the next few months.
Yes, it’s frustrating. Probably one reason Daeny is ticked. “You b!tch, I saved your ass!”
Broad strokes without really thinking of Dany’s situation. She was clearly mad, not angry, but mad. The war was over. Yet she decided, “Fuck it, burn them all...”
How long did you guys work on this take? I imagine as long as it was, it probably wasn’t as much time spent by an entire writing staff tasked with the difficult decision to make things happen in 6 episodes. (Sad they decided to rush things like this).
I loved the earlier two games. But one thing that really irked me when watching trailers for Shadow of the Tomb Raider is how they seemingly changed her look. I couldn’t get interested in the game if that meant it was a different Lara Croft, because I loved the “older” newer one from the previous two games.
If you’re watching this show with a motive, you’re likely going to convince yourself to hate this show since it doesn’t fit your motive, looking for any little detail to jump on that proves your preconceived notions. That’s what I’m noticing about people’s complaints about the show. “So she’s just going to go mad out…
It’s not she’s skeptical, she downright doesn’t want a foreign ruler. She doesn’t trust anyone else in power, especially someone, a Targaryen she doesn’t know. She’s playing Littlefinger’s little game in her head, and doesn’t believe Daenerys to be any better than the other options besides Jon, a family member. We…
It’s like you’re blatantly ignoring the previous 3 episodes, where she lost a child (a dragon), her best defender (Jorah), and her best aid (Missandei), AND her lover (Jon) all while trying to listen to people who have her “best interest”. Yes, she flipped, and they detailed that pretty well. You just didn’t notice…
I don’t see why it’s important to stay “true to the original” character. Whatever you heard and saw in that trailer that made you think you know what route they’re taking with the character is the same thing I heard that made me roll my eyes. At the end of the day they’re revamping certain aspects with the remake to…