
If they’re going to update some aspects of the game, like the combat, to modernize it for today’s audiences, then I don’t see what’s wrong with updating something like a poorly interpreted character and his voice. The great thing about this is it doesn’t replace the original FF7. If you love that version of Barrett,

Visuals: A+

A damn near perfect movie. Love this song, love the movie.

I love this premise. I hope it’s good and doesn’t just give us the “same old” that other games have.

He forgot to add in a watch.

I adored this game. It felt so different compared to other games at the time. From a technical perspective, it felt like it made a decent leap forward and just wowed me on so many levels.

They got the call right.

Um... people have died in Puerto Rico. So....... fuck you?

I don’t think that’s smug. That would imply he’s still a normal human. He has everyone’s past and present. When you have that kind of knowledge, you don’t behave like a normal person. Like he said, he’s not really Bran anymore.

You are the wind beneath my wings. Thank you, Mr. Rogers.

That stuff will just take time. Companies adapt.

Go ahead. Tell me the “tangible” negatives.

I sometimes feel like gamers are effing stupid. The horror of having to open another program to play your game. People can grab at any examples of negatives that this will cause, but at the end of the day it’ll have little impact on our gaming lives once the dust settles. How do I know this?

It’d be nice for Kotaku or some gaming site to make an article about this issue to really get devs attention. It just seems to be completely ignored.

Don’t get me started on Destiny 2 armor. What is it with these games not being able to create cool looking gear???

Yeah definitely not the case during Division 1 however. They had quite the growing pains to go through. Anthem will likely go through the same that other developers have gone through with live service games.

Right, a “massage”.

Woosh, he wasn’t just getting a massage.

Nothing about the shop has made people feel they need to purchase things NOW. In fact, people joke about how unattractive the shop’s items are, from mainly the slow rotation, to even WANT to buy anything.

Can someone explain to me what’s “broken” about the game? I’m so confused, because I could have sworn I played the game with friends and beat the campaign, and did some grinding, and while running into issues, disconnects, problems, still managed to play and enjoy most of the game, while still noticing its faults.