
“... and not try to stealth-nerf things.”

“...with the fucks who ripped them off?”

The [normal people] jump in, have open discussions, share ideas and talk about areas of improvement etc. Then the toxicity of the community comes along and ruins everything.

The internet was a mistake.

Yes, that’s what has me interested in it, is the full package that Division 2 seems to offer from all the things riddled in Washington DC. I hope I enjoy it. I really liked Division 1's story and miss that game every once in a while.

Just got the game. The thing I feel I’m going to have a tough time with is the combat gameplay compared to Anthem. As bad as Anthem is with everything people complain about, I have a hard time believing that Division 2's grounded real-world combat is more fun than flying around like Iron Man and setting off combo

You don’t have a good reason to believe your own statement.

The internet can bloat bad press. I’ve played the game, beat the campaign, and farming my build. I give it an 80/100. I’ve enjoyed it with friends. Not to say it doesn’t have problems, but gamers are whiny brats that love giving into their rage, and screaming bloody murder and giving hyperbolic statements/sweeping

If Anthem aligns themselves with Diablo and their style of game, rather than Destiny and The Division, the better Anthem will do.

Most developers have no idea how to make this game. It’s not an old genre, these live-service-games. As a result, I think it’s becoming the standard that QA happens before and more importantly after launch. Since it’s live, developers are constantly monitoring what’s going on in the game and make tweaks and changes

The live service game genre is just way too hard to get right for developers. And considering the time, money, investment, and careful coding required to make this genre work, it’s not worth it. Time to stop live service games before developers run themselves into the ground. Only 1 game I’ve played has done this

Clever, but try playing a game or watching a movie or TV show while sleepy. Guess what happens? You might fall asleep! Crazy, right?!

The citizens of Anthem have some cool stories to tell. I’ve been going through the Cortex noticing people have underestimated the story to this game.

You can’t get all the pokemon on just one game. You have to trade pokemon with a person who has the other version of the game if you want to catch ‘em all

Monster Hunter World is the only live service game that was prepared for what was to come and expected for these types of games. Makes me appreciate MHW more as developers try their hand at this and fail. And Monster Hunter is its own industry at this point since its been around so long. Developers need to think long

Uncle Mo is a fickle man. You must not watch sports. 

Can someone explain to me all the hub-bub over the 40 point loss? Like who cares. It’s just one loss. It’s not even the worse loss from a team this season. These reports keep referring back to that blow-out loss like it’s one of the greatest things seen in basketball in the last few years. So weird.

Please learn from Monster Hunter World on how to have content readily available for the next few months. MHW did a great job of having events and specials planned for what felt like the first half of year or whatever. I really appreciated that.

“Know what’s worth telling? Riley’s Sorry to Bother You, probably the most culturally important movie of 2018"

She sounds fine. My favorite commentators are these two black dudes who do EVO (I think). They’re puns and witticisms get me every time.