He’s a phenomenal striker. That’s why he’s so hooked on it.
He’s a phenomenal striker. That’s why he’s so hooked on it.
Probably because he has yet to do any wrestling in his 6 mma fights.
According to this article, it’s the #2 best-selling game in the Microsoft Store. That could be misleading, as in most games in the Microsoft store aren’t doing well compared to elsewhere, but still...
People thought Nunes wasn’t a draw? I think it was more she was gone for so long. But I thought she was exciting and awesome after kicking Rousey’s ass.
9 superbowls. That’s way more than anyone in the past Super Bowl era for this sport. Isn’t that kind of ridiculous? Like what’s they’re secret? They just practice better than all the great teams of the past? At some point we gotta look at Lance Armstrong’s 7 Tour de France victories and be like “Hmm... that’s fishy.”
I don’t get it.
That FOV... first time I was getting dizzy from a video game.
Could be CCGs are finally fading, but it could also be the fact that Valve rarely makes games. And now they’re paying for it by not being relevant or in the consciousness of gamers’ minds. Especially since younger players didn’t grow up with Half-Life being a big deal like us gamers in our late 20s and 30s.
Keep playing dumb ;)
The way I look at it, the beginners need to first learn how to hit the ball. Thus ball-hawking. Then after that they’ll learn the nuance to rotating... Oh, they’re still ball chasing. Hm, well once they reach Silver division, that’s when they’ll learn how to rota—nope, they’re still ball-hawking. Surely Gold is when—ne…
It’s like we forgot why Sony won this generation in the first place. Please refer back to E3 2013, where they quickly won the favor of consumers. Since then they have given us great games on the PS4, exclusives even. Not surprised why they were hesitant to enable cross-platform. But now we have Fortnite to thank for…
“People keep asking if American action movies are back, and I hadn’t really had an answer. But now, yeah, I’m thinking they’re back.”
I don’t know. I was kind of hoping Bungie would just move on from Destiny. I enjoyed the heck out of Destiny 1, but felt like it never and will never reach it’s full potential. And I’ve never been on board with a lot of the aesthetics in the game. The design philosophy in terms of how armor, ships, and other design…
I won’t really argue this. I thought Xenogears story was so epic.
A remake. 100%. Meaning they still keep the unfinished parts, but it’ll be in 4K UHD!
FF7 is a masterpiece. Xenogears is the remake we deserve AND need.
Looks great... then I heard the acting.
I vomited reading this. Glad I’m done with Destiny.
I’ve always felt like the #8 ranked team in the country could/should have been playing for a national title in football.
XCOM 2??? Yeah right