

Doesn’t have Rocket League as a game choice. No thanks

It’s this kind of thing that makes me understand console gamers not wanting to get into PC gaming. You want to play 3 games and have to pay over $1,000? Yeesh

Wow I didn’t realize that was racist. I just thought he was telling him to keep going, mocking him.

lol, you mean that photo I saw and immediately thought, “How the hell are you supposed to tell that’s Amelia? It just looks like a woman looking to her left,” was taken THAT seriously as evidence she was captured? What the hell is happening to us?

Oh absolutely. From a business perspective, why on earth would you do it? And that’s why I don’t have much hope until something changes the landscape where it doesn’t hurt Sony or Xbox or whoever when it comes to cross-platform. I think we’re nearing that point, why I don’t know, but it seems to be on the mind of

My guess is once you break down the cross-platforming wall, the rest of those features you talk about will follow... eventually. One step at a time.

Uh, I think I’m more interested in where that picture was taken.

“Let’s address the elephant in the room. Does McGregor, who hasn’t had an actual boxing match since he was a teenager, have a shot at beating a past-his-prime great? Yes, he has a shot. McGregor hits really, really hard, and chins don’t get better with age.”

It was my #1 game back for a good while. Hard to describe. Sadly, I think with the advancement in gaming, the magic of this gem is lost a tiny bit. Back in 2010 when I played, it was the first time I felt games were art.


There’s really not that many great coop games.

This game is incredible. Smoothest running game I’ve ever played at this quality. You’d be lucky to find major bugs, if any at all. Looks great, plays great, story is pretty interesting too. With just 1 game, Guerilla Games went from a developer you may have heard of to one of the best developers out there, alongside

This game is incredible. Smoothest running game I’ve ever played at this quality. You’d be lucky to find major bugs,

You all know what he’s trying to do, right? Remember that man that punched that woman on the bus because she kept calling him a nigg*r and laughing about it? Guess who was the “bad guy” in that case? Same thing this white suit man is doing. Trying to make the black man retaliate so that the racist can sue him or have

Looks pretty good though.

That’s a low quality screenshot up top.

I just don’t find this game fun. (shrugs)

You forgot Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s just as good as all these shows.

Can we just pause and celebrate the clear Final Fantasy influenced scoreboard in the lower right part of the screen. It’s like I’m playing a JRPG!

Golden gun is technically firing a gun. Yeah, I’m THAT guy. (sigh) Bye everyone.