Correction: It’s patch 1.20
Correction: It’s patch 1.20
I always found that weird and slightly disturbing. But I always figured it was Japan just being really weird.
Bonus points for mentioning Rocket League.
So he gets swatted and it’s his fault? Why did Twitch ban him? I’m confused.
What about non-native speakers?
Honest question, but what would you do with the source code for a game that’s pretty damn old?
Your argument is not as good as you think it is lol
I think this is a good example of how there’s just not enough happening in the sports world daily to sustain and feed a 24-hour sports channel with crap shows like Around the Horn and First Take.
Remove Overwatch, add Final Fantasy 15. Why? Try to reward actual PS4 exclusives over multi platform games. I’d want to show off PS4 games you can’t play on other platforms.
It’s a very complex issue and a lot of factors go into it, but it’s everywhere. And it’s not an easy problem to fix.
I don’t think a lot of people realize how important it is to have not just a diverse cast, but a diverse crew/staff working on these projects. I work in post production and one online series my team was working on was about a group of black teenagers, but I thought it bizarre that besides the story about these kids,…
I’d just like to point out the image at the top is clearly showing Cloud (Dick) at level 98. Fail.
Ugh, this doesn’t work. It looks dumb when you try to take how something looked animated and make a 1:1 literal copy of it in the real world. It just looks dumb and like you’re watching moving toys. No thank you
Yeah I gotchu. I hope they add a feature to do “facial surgery” so you can change your face during a playthrough. But seriously, the Ryder face I’m using is great.
Gotcha, yes I love games that nail “wonderment”
You lost me at the No Man’s Sky comparison. No Man’s Sky was never meant to be what Andromeda is. They were never remotely going to try to make that kind of game. Like story-wise, combat, etc etc etc etc etc. Like at all. Just leave that game alone, no one ever has to hear about the game ever again. Everything else I…
But the problem is, especially coming from who haven’t even played the game and having a sense of entitlement, lame gamers were blowing things way out of proportion. As someone who was spooked away from my preorder from all the negativity and waited until full game reviews, I’m playing the game now and thinking, “Why…
Go to Nexusmods, the top Ryder face is 1000% better and actually looks like a normal, pleasing, likable character. I love my new Ryder face.
People put the game on an unfair pedestal that most other games don’t receive because it’s Mass Effect. I had actually canceled my preorder, waited for my favorite podcast to review the game, then bought it. It’s a good game. People were overly critical. I’ve only seen a small number of weird faces, but the whole…