Tallulah Bankrupt

So she desperately wants people to believe her when it comes to a made up condition and quack treatments that are almost certainly making her sicker (and may have killed her father) but not when another woman has a pretty credible accusation of sexual assault?

Oh, thank goodness. I’m glad this portion of Bloom’s character is receiving mention. I was incensed to read the news first in New York Magazine and nary a mention of the allegations [multiple, not just Wolf]. They seemed more miffed that Bloom dismissed Harry Potter and generally anything new than they did about his

Meghan O’Rourke... is she the same one who wrote that Atlantic article about “chronic Lyme” because I think I may have gotten into a Twitter argument with her.

Camille Paglia

I remember Paglia’s Salon column, only inasmuch as every single one made me roll my eyes a thousand times. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything by them ever that didn’t seem like it was explicitly designed to be as “provocative” as possible. 

“...But we cannot undo mistakes that may have been made by people who have long since left the company.”

I read Sinatra had a vasectomy. Compare Mia and Frank- they actually have very similar features themselves. Also, Ronan has had plastic surgery and wears blue contacts.

That’s an error in the post. Oppenheim actually referred to them as “oopsie-daisies”.

Yes, their relationship was a bit narcissistic. I always thought it was creepy given the age difference, but Mia occasionally posts old photos on Instagram and writes so lovingly of him. They really loved each other.

I think Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra look alike.

Also, “sour grapes” is a oft used excuse by former employers whenever allegations of misconduct comes to light.  It’s almost always bullshit.

“Farrow’s effort to defame NBC News is clearly motivated not by a pursuit of truth, but an axe to grind,” Oppenheim continued, adding, “It is built on a series of distortions, confused timelines, and outright inaccuracies.”

He looks like his mother, FFS.

“In the memo, Oppenheim is most concerned with pressing back on the idea that executives, himself included, did not take allegations of sexual harassment and assault seriously”

In fact, I would say that would be the most satisfying way to grind one’s axe.

Also, Oppenheim acts like those two things are mutually exclusive. One can uncover truth and expose wrongdoing while grinding an axe. In fact, I would say that would be the most satisfying way to grind one’s axe.

Agree, this seems like a typical empty excuse people make when defending themselves similar to calling someone jealous or crazy.

Matt Lauer’s “misdeeds”??? Da fuq??

NBC needs to be burned from the roots ,then replaced with a brand new entity 

“And none of it played any role in our decision-making.”