Sideways! The birdcage! The entire run of breaking bad or, for something new, Ozark.
Sideways! The birdcage! The entire run of breaking bad or, for something new, Ozark.
My sister did this two years ago, and it was a lifechanger. She had one mild sinus infection last winter (when most of the rest of us had the terrible flu), but it did cure her yearly pattern of sinus infections and almost constant allergy medications.
Yes! All but Crocodile because I was doing laundry and in and out of my condo and was like, I’ve paused it too often to keep track now. Ppl here don’t seem to jive w this latest season, but I actually felt like it had a different, more *something* tone from previous seasons that I really appreciated.
Good luck with the surgery! My favourites to binge are Bojack Horseman, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and of course Archer.
I had sinus surgery several years ago and it helped so much. Recovery was pretty easy. I hate to be the person who tells the newly pregnant woman how horrible and traumatic labor is but I did have a shiner for a bit...I promise the story is more funny than scary! Going into surgery my doctor, of course, went through…
I would highly recommend the Documentary The Farthest: Voyager in Space on Netflix.
We’re taking a little ski getaway next month. I’m not allowed to ski right now, but I’m totally allowed to sit and drink hot chocolate while everyone else skis. Should get a lot of reading done. And only three months left until I pop out this baby. Yay.
I’m looking forward to moving into a dream house. It also is a little terrifying. My son told me last Friday he and his fiancée we getting married in an hour! They got married! They were engaged and planning on a spring wedding but they are now having a baby in may so decided to just cut to the chase. I’m in the…
Idris Elba is always the correct answer. :)
Thanks and have a good recovery!
I started downhill about 8 years ago with my ex, so I need new ski buddies. Then last year I pulled the cross country skis my parents gave me in high school out of the basement and took that up again. I really love that the club I joined has a bunch of non-ski social nights. Even if I don’t make a lot of close…
Get lots of saline spray and use it often! Good luck! My husband had sinus and a couple other things done in October and it’s been pretty life changing for him.
Short term: Friends coming over tomorrow.
Good luck with your surgery!
Lol. Noice.
Mostly just pushing through. The first stomach bug and the cold weren’t a big deal. It happens, especially in the winter. But hurting my knee and then getting this stomach bug were really annoying.
I had mine done during spring break senior year of college and was fine to return to regular functioning once it was done. Back to full functioning where I could feel my whole face in about two. It took about a whole month for all of my face movement to return.
Omg I just realized no one recommended the obvious. BLACK MIRROR. If you haven’t seen it and like weird stuff. Doing a rewatch in my house right now after finishing season 4.
My doctor called it ‘roto-rooter surgery’.