Came looking for SNS, stayed for disgraced TV chef. Way to take the situation seriously, big guy.
Well she is brilliant. Obviously a plagiarist with a time machine.
I also have ClassPass, and I just love it—I really do like the variety of classes I can take.
If his accusers — including “Maria,” who alleges in unpublished depositions that she was raped by That Asshole when she was 12, evidence of which is in the possession of at least one friendly intelligence service, and thus of Mueller — were to go forward with suits and charges at the time of the election, he would…
I would mock the fact that she’s looking at the panda with more affection and joy than she’s ever looked at Trump, but who among us wouldn’t be more excited to hold hands with a panda than with Trump-Teeny-Todger.
My genuine reaction every time I’m confronted with the fact Melania is FLOTUS:
I recently rewatched this really great movie Weekend which is available on Netflix. It’s a gay romance that will leave you feeling really raw. It made my chest ache for days. Highly recommend.
It’s not only the screaming, but you see the consequences of his shitty actions unfolding from a mile away, and you get nervous in anticipation to the shit storm he causes in each episode. As someone else said down thread, it causes anxiety. No thank you.
Curb makes me so uncomfortable I can’t even make it through an episode without my anxiety rising.
The Good Place is my new favourite, I love that it’s interesting and thoughtful but also makes me laugh in so many ways. Light chuckles, belly laughs, unexpected guffaws. It’s so great.
The Good Place on Netflix. It’s fantastic.
Just watched SMILF yesterday, it was pretty good. First time I’ve seen Frankie Shaw in anything. There was a lot packed into a half hour show that made it feel like an hour, but in a good way.
I loved Bates Motel! Vera Farmiga fucking rocks that gothic, tragic, femme-fatal character. She deserves all the awards, every one of them. And the whole cast is so good. The writing and direction are good and stay true to the style. The updating works like gangbusters. There’s some absurdity but it works as humor and…
The good place is so...good!
You nailed it. I didn’t know why I had such a visceral response to shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, but that is it. Mr. Smuttins and I are both from super tense households that eventually ended in divorce, and I hate that feeling. We were actually watching Dr. Foster, season two, and after a few episodes he was like,…
I think she didn’t do it. I think she was repeatedly manipulated by the men around her and if she was complicit in anything, it was not being strong enough to stop what was happening to her, which considering what she went through in her life is pretty understandable. I was really interested in the whole multiple…
My favorite part is when Tom Petty talks about George having multiple ukuleles in his car, because “you never know, we might need more.”
Crazy ex-girlfriend is amazing if you love musicals at all! Don’t be put off by the name, it’s one of the best shows I’ve seen in a while. Also like Tupiniquim says, The Good Place is awesome.
I’m watching a documentary about George Harrison on Netflix.