talon party at your face's house

I, too, am likely on the government’s “Probably a Drug Smurf, But IDK” list. And I swear to god, if one more person asks me, “have you tried using a neti pot?,” I am going to snot rocket them.

Nope, no mold at home or in my current workplace. I was exposed to signficant construction dust without proper ventilation over the course of several months at another workplace a few years back. That’s when it got bad. I got allergy shots, which helped me feel better overall, but it’s an automatic sinus infection

I’m thinking about exploring sinus surgery for chronic sinusitis. It’s been going on for years; there’s a 95% chance that I’ve tried whatever treatment/preventative solution you’re thinking of right now.

It’s totally safe—just use a pencil or a cake liner, and dear god, not a liquid liner (or it’ll burn like he dickens). I like Make Up For Ever Aqua XL (it lasts longer on the waterline for me than the also-good Urban Decay pencil), and Laura Mercier makes a nice cake liner called Tight Line.

Same with mine. He just doesn’t know how to connect with my adult siblings and me. We are still in contact, but he only reaches out on holidays (I think that that’s mostly his wife’s influence). I think the last time that he called me just to say hi was 10 years ago. I don’t expect him to be any way other than the way

It’s a good soundtrack!

I bet everyone wishes they had a Hot Tub Time Machine soundtrack.

Chicken Lady, Kids in the Hall. No other thoughts.

I had a Paragard for 7 years. The periods were terrible the entire time and got a bit worse starting in year 2 (as in soaking through an Ultra absorbency tampon every 90 minutes all day on day 2 of my period, every. damn. cycle.). I stuck with it, because it was effective and still more tolerable than being on

Check out sale sites for Helmut Lang and Theory pieces. Saks Off 5th, Last Call (Neiman Marcus’ discount site), Nordstrom Rack and Gilt often have pieces by both brands at significantly lower prices. Might say the same for Rag and Bone, depending upon the year/season.

I love how at 1:13, he pauses for applause after saying, “for this son of Indiana, it is great to be home again,” and there’s just silence for two beats before the pity clapping kicks in.

I laughed out loud when I read “because the praise is actually directed toward themselves,” because that rings so true. My sister and my boss has a dust-up when they met, because he was congratulating himself for bringing me out of poverty and into a leadership position (I grew up below the poverty line, but I’d been

I went through the same thing with my narcissist boss! I was on the praise train for a long time, but he unmistakably went through a cycle of singling one person out as The Problem at a given time (usually leading to their departure). When it happened to a coworker he had brought on from his last company, whom he

Mine said, “he has some good ideas!” D:

You just described my raging narcissist former boss to the letter.

It’s been rough. They’re running terribly, and ridership seems to be way, way up. It’s worse than when I moved here 15 years ago. Rush hour is a nightmare, and so many lines are affected by weekend work recently (I haven’t been able to get to my sister’s place in BK on the 4/5 in over a year). It’ll be interesting to

“Baby on board, something something, Burt Ward!”

It may not be normal, but you’re not alone. I started changing mine nightly or every other night on my dermatologist’s recommendation. I phased it into a whole prestanding skincare/cystic acne avoidance routine, and it noticeably helps! You do you.

I will only be happy about this if Noel Fielding does a whole episode as Old Gregg.

“I would have KILLED for ‘tappa-tappa-tappa!’”