
I have a cat that learned to leap up and turn on and off a light switch. Seems like he was able to figure out the cause and effect of hitting the switch by watching us turn on and off the light.

Yes, the question is do we need this particular killing machine. The U.S. airforce currently has over 2,000 fighting craft. I think the Navy has well north of a thousand as well. Our non-nuclear equipped enemies count their fighting aircraft by the handful. The terrorist that we actually are currently fighting, of

XM, the SU was not a viable conventional forces threat in the 80's because both sides had nuclear weapons. The U.S. could not defeat the SU with conventional forces because then the SU would destroy the U.S. (and the world) with its nuclear arsenal.

You aren't even taking into account the benefit of what you spend the money on. If you spend it on the military, you have something that is better at killing folks. Our military is already great at at that. Worst case, the stuff is never used. Most likely case is it is used to kill some folks in a far off land

Ahhcrap, you vastly overestimate the air capability of countries that hate us if you are at all worried about them. Setting aside the countries that have nuclear weapons (which you should be afraid of) the remaining countries do not have the ability engage in an air war with the U.S. in any meaningful way and

You say the US military isn't the biggest in the world. Are you just using number of individual soldiers as your metric? So every time China puts a few thousand more guys in some barracks and issues them rifles, the U.S. should spend another $10 billion on some new fighting equipment. You do know that China will

@pseudorocket: I think there is a form of reset that you need to do on your phone. I can't recall exactly what it is, but google resetting iPhone. I think you do need to return it to factory settings and rebuild it every year or so.

@vkewalra: Simplicity and elegance is important to many and maybe even most people. My girlfriend has an Android and while it does more than her prior Blackberry the fact that it doesn't do things consistently and that the battery doesn't last a full day makes her kind of hate her phone. Not to mention it erased some


Me and a friend of mine have been discussing this phenomenon for some time. It happens after all recent major announcements. I have a theory. The analysts have been expecting Apple to produce the next big thing since the introduction of the iPod. On a fairly regular basis, Apple succeeds in doing so (see original