Sam fisher's an aimbot

I for one am looking forward to Drax's blistering sax solo during the closing credits.

This is clearly the power button. Somebody push it!

How about we 'purge' movies like this from Hollywood??

He didn't even make it past the initial sketch

This for me is one of the events of the year. Gibson is still one of the most important writers out there, detailed observation in all his writing. I sometimes feel that my life is closer to what Gibson portrays in some of his books than what everybody else calls reality.

Your body turning against you? Sounds like puberty.

There is no glory in war.

Now playing

So should we expect Gene Simmons to be firing these at Tom Selleck in a few years?

Next up on DARPA's list: Wall Hacks.

What other industry does this happen in? Where management just like, stops paying people, covers themselves with fluff talk and basically refuses to communicate? We've seen this situation over and over with game studios. It's one thing to crash and burn and another to be completely inactive and inept.

Change the pitch to a make and you're golden.

Methinks these were designed by someone's great grandfather...

I really loved the storytelling that both Cap movies did via different uniforms. Subtle-ish and rad.

As far as accuracy goes, it's hard to top I think...

Considering his "uniform" is pretty much what makes him a superhero...

This is sadly not new, and you can chalk it up to "just business", but even as someone with a Playstation 4, I think it's a pretty crummy situation for longtime Xbox Bungie fans.

aye, my statement was for Activision and what they do to both platforms. I think it is time for Third parties to treat all platforms with as much equality as possible.

But what if your brain AND eyes hate Michael Bay films?

As someone who actually works with cloud services, I feel insulted whenever the phrase is trotted out for gaming.