Sam fisher's an aimbot

He fought the law.

It would give another reason to pick up a PS4, if it came that way a little later.

I have no real interest in the game itself other than to say as ever Blizzard puts out some fantastic CG, and is it just me or do the female characters come across as 'softer" in their design, at least compared to their depiction in their main series!?

Now playing

The guy needs this track upon start of the engine:

Starred for truth.


Cool, hits my Noire-spot.

I'm hoping for decent E3 this year, unspoiled by leaks...

Those horizontal lens flares made me think that Kojima had maybe more of a JJ Abrams, Micheal Mann influence, but it could just be me=D (I've never heard of Douglas Trubell, time to find out what he's done.)

Oh my dayum...

It sets a precedent for the lack of original games to truly set the Ps4 from the PS3, it doesn't help that TLoUs was also system seller for the PS3, which makes it look like Sony is desperate for sales no matter what...

*Sigh* Oh Sony, don't port this into into next gen it makes you seem really desperate,at least MS has the right idea so far.

Looks alright!


Came here to post this very thing, beat me to it, well played.

Very pretty. But I can't help but wish more games relied on stylization more, like Jet Set Radio, as photorealisism while it has it's place certainly doesn't suit all games. And I wish more devs realized this.

Kind of slightly on and off topic at the same time, while this is yet another game I have yet to play I would love to see R* tackle something like A History of Violence in game form, it would be awesome and also be a smaller thriller piece at least compared to the GTA's of this world.

Really? The only thing in MS' line up that looks remotely interesting to me is Quantum Break and even that is shipping with a series of it's own, unneeded in my opinion as it looks formalic from what little has been seen so far.

As I said there's potential for the TV projects to steal focus from the games, so I'll guess we will see if it affects the gaming side at all. And yeah I remember the reveal, as I'm sure many others do, but does the gaming community want to focus on the TV functions to that degree on a gaming box?