Sam fisher's an aimbot

LOL what a different opinion, lynch him!!

LOL I played it when it came out, and alongside being turned into a mary sue by every character you meet, it wasn't as good as the first in my opinion.

Like Reggie, my body is ready=D

In my opinion it fails to match up to the first game, which far outstrips it and just makes HL2 look weak sauce. I expected more given how much money and time Valve pumped into it, least of all I expect the plot to have an ending, instead we are left with a lots of plot holes and a non ending which just makes me sad...

Sounds a little meh from the description, but it might be a different story in motion, so I will wait for some footage before making a judgement either way.

I like this, despite HL2 being such a let down (in terms of plot and action!).

I'd put up with the pollution to get with her!!

Looks like the cast of "Only in Chelsea," only less retarded.

Metal Gear Online.

I'm kind of surprised TLoUs isn't on here for it's tone and general atmosphere is at least equal to HR, if not more so than due to Joel *reducted* and *reducted.*

You forgot the DRM and other anti consumer policies, though MS does seem to have ironed them out, hopefully for the long run.

To Amazon, I heard it was to Google?!!

Can't be anywhere as bad as the last guy amirite.

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Squeenix can see clearly now the rain has gone...

People are still playing this? I think I will wait for MGO3.0 this time around... Make of that what you will.

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Such a shame to see him shilling, even at this stage:

The Actual fuck!!!

XBox stop listening? I'm not sure the NSA could.

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Bane-Cat (Cat-Bane?) feels the beats rising:

Eh. I'll pick up the GoTY edition when it's on PS3, cheap!