Sam fisher's an aimbot

"You knew? But it's a secret black project!"

Will it help with peace keeping duties?

This has been known for quite a while, but have they solved the battery problem yet? As that would make all the difference in the world.

Nightmare is awesome, thanks for bringing back some fantastic memories.

*Shrugs* goes back to Valkyria Chronicles.

Now playing

Ha no, just want a futuristic ninja game akin to the the original Dark Sector!

Hmm, how about NO.

Hopefuly it's something like a PS4-erised(!!) version of Tenchu, with cyber ninjas everywhere!

Got my copy for less than the full price - score.

Bravo MS, you've done something that's welcome. Keep it up.

Now playing

Although it's now fairly old I still enjoy Gunslinger Girls opening and closing credits. It's beautiful:

I've said it once, but I'll say it again we need a Ass Creed set in Industrial/ Victorian Britain. Just think, an extensive criminal underground, everything is kind of grey morally, and you get the chance to be either Jack the Ripper or capture him!

*Awaits MGS: Ground Zeroes.*

GTFO Sony, just get out!!

I'll pick it up once it's cheap (,about £10 - £15) once I have the money, as I'm skint at the moment!

They should dress like this, for extra awesomeness, yes even the ladies!!