Sam fisher's an aimbot

That was really quite good, really enjoyed it.


I thought it was a completely fictional gun. Shows what I know.

I was just pointing out it wasn't an emperic statement that was all.

Since we're talking about 'Bungie Era' Halo of course I won't mention Halo 4, that deserves it's own level of hell in my opinion...

*sigh* free to play bullshit, is still bullshit. I'd rather pay for a game in which I knew every had been fine tuned and with minimal DLC bullshit and expansion packs galore. Rather then a game in which which is fundamentally unbalanced from by design!

I'm surprised nobodies tried to burn down Zynga HQ yet.

Are they even allowed (by Sony I mean, it's their hardware - although second hand!) Thought there were rules about these types of deal?

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In fact this song neatly sums how Bungie was treated by MS

Did you miss the part where I said in my opinion?

Don't care for multiplayer *shrugs,* but then alot of what went wrong lies with MS's micro-management.

Never touched the MP, so I wouldn't know.

It does look awesome, but that pad is all kinds of blah for me.

Do we even need a up rezzed Halo 2? It's the worst of the trilogy in my opinion. Even Bungie hates it.

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Never mind his Iron Man outfit, what about his Captain Planet outfit. Heavy, right?

Looks a little to shiny for me... So in a way I still prefer the MGS1 PS1 graphics!

Dammit! Damn those lawyers, damn them to hell.

Unless it's France's Prime Minister, then you can command any price you want.

Yes to all the above?