I cannot believe my little drug dealer looks this cute!
I cannot believe my little drug dealer looks this cute!
*Shrugs,* I don't care about trophies/ achievements all that much anyway but this is interesting to know.
So simple so badass:
So simple so badass:
I'll be getting it through Amazon, in about hopefully less than a week.
Ah man it's literally the only game I've got on pre-order, can't be more excited.
I'm quietly hyped for Xcom (got it pre-ordered!), and the more I see of Shadowfall the more impressive it looks, I'm not talking about visuals by the way.
Just needs to said.
I still have Akira with the original dub on VHS, so I'm so used to the script it just weirded me out (and still does) that the dub was changed in my view, so hamfistedly! But if you think it's a better script, I'll go back and re-watch it, maybe it'll change my mind.
The original Blu Ray re-dub is terrible, so at least now I can upgrade, which would make me beyond happy.
Wha, wow, that's the first I've heard of it. I didn't expect this, nor did I particuarly like MS (due to issues with their OS and customer service in the past!), but them withdrawing from the market is really bad news, if true.
Don't you know? We're going to "The Future"=D
This one?
Over and over, like monkey playing it's miniature symbol...
I don't really care for the game at all, but I note that Nova's and possibly Kerrigan's design is far less 'harsh' while every other character seemed to only have had minor modifications made!
They are at the very least Picard worthy, but then again so many things about the PS3 are.
The one thing that I think Mass Effect did very well was making human and alien members of the galatic society almost as dangerous as The Reapers either politically, socially or militarily - it's like there's very little "God tier" and for that I'm grateful as it made the game (ME2, the only game in the series I have…