
Cough, Second Death Star, cough.

We live in a violent time.

We live in a violent time. It’s not cool for crowds of people to run amok to satisfy their shitty game. Just like it’s not cool to wear a Nazi costume in Berlin. Do grasp the similarity.

There was a fireworks crowd in front of the truck in Nice, and no one is saying “Shutdown all fireworks shows.” You’re new to this whole “logic” thing, aren’t you? Just say “I don’t like this because it annoys me” instead of trying in vain to connect the things you don’t like to terrorism. People will be less likely


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“A shot to the crotch? Good lord this movie is becoming a checklist of basic modern comedy tropes.”

That's clearly not the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man getting hit in the balls.

That’s not staypuft getting hit in the nuts, but I agree with the sentiment, this is ‘ow my balls’ the movie kind of comedy.

In what universe does it make sense that a marginal TV actress, who's never had a big role in a motion picture and whose best role was ten years ago, lead a massive blockbuster film franchise? Enough with the Katee Sackhoff.

“...the best individual achievement for a team sport...”

He became a backup Avenger in 1991.

No, but there is such a thing as terrible people getting elected because of indifferent voters.

Wow. It takes a massive nerd to catch that. You are a hero.

I’m sorry, the first trailer pretty much confirmed Vader for me. That’s the motherfucking Devastator. Vader is in it.

Larry Stu?

“listing a bunch of stuff that doesn’t exist yet is kind of an odd way to do it”

Well, it’s been confirmed that it’s not an origin story, so there’s that.

Except people have been onboard with Batfleck since he turned out to be the best thing from Man Of Steel 2 Dawn Of Justice.

I really want RDJ’s Tony Stark to be the Herman Blume to Peter Parker’s Max Fischer.

There is a difference between a tool which can kill someone but which has other purposes, and one which is good for nothing but killing people.