The popular manga’s first editor, 41 year-old Jung-hyun Park, has been arrested for allegedly murdering his 38…
The popular manga’s first editor, 41 year-old Jung-hyun Park, has been arrested for allegedly murdering his 38…
He totally forgot, he has a lot on his mind. He probably just misplaced the noose.
She fell down the stairs but then he changed his story and said she hung herself on the stair guardrails?
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the game. Its music, its scenery, the story (issues aside)...
IDK. I’m happy with FFXV as it is and I think it’s well past time for them to move on. I’m sure they’ll spend this year doing DLCs and then a Definitive Edition that includes them all (and comes to PC), but after that, they should say bye to Noctis and crew for good. It’s been long enough.
Worth noting that Episode Prompto (one of the game’s expected DLCs) will feature the same snowy area. I’m guessing most of this will be used in that DLC.
He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”
Coruscant, now that’s a great planet. 5,000 levels. We’re gonna have even more levels, the best levels. And then we’re gonna build a wall, and the Tusken Raiders are gonna pay.
Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.
That Main Story tease is making me hypeeeed for this patch, can’t come soon enough.
Probably because it’d be weird for him to start at level 1, and awkward for Diablo when you face against him:
Some of the newer player characters need a talk with the D2 Heroes’ ghosts for this inconvenient burden.
This comment makes me really happy. (Seriously!)
Goddamn. I wish I had this on PC now, because my biggest gripe about TW3 was that I had to basically stare st that mini map the entire time I was traveling.
I’ve played a lot of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Like, a LOT. My Steam counter just cracked 200 hours, and that’s not…
he’s not the only one. Before I saw the headline, I thought “oh, so now Japan is selling Biohazard sex toys”.
A finger. Dammit Capcom, what happened to you? Remember when you made a chainsaw controller, seemingly just for the hell of it? I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed.
Exactly. I burn my penis every day and it looks nothing like this.
Mike this may just be a ‘you’ thing and you may want to ask yourself why you see burnt penises everywhere. My initial look at this article was “Ooh, creepy finger!”