The average score of a video game isnt 80+, is it? I know reviews are inflated but it cant be by THAT much, can it?
I just can’t find the entertainment in these yearly portrayals of our endless and ever growing death machine that chews up the lives of the poorest among us while holding them up as some impossible standard that we all should be worshiping. Maybe I’ve become too cynical but I stopped believing the lie that we “fight…
When speaking out means your fired, and a tenure at gawker media might as well be a scarlet letter, dont expect a response.
I wasnt aware basic universal healthcare that even countries in South America have is “utopian” but fuck me, guess im just an ignorant leftist fool!
I’m god damned tired of the military entertainment complex shooter of the years.
Son of the Mask is a conservative propaganda piece? Or is this a level of sarcasm that im missing?
If it didnt have an ssd, the entire thing would be hobbled. At least now that will become the standard. And if its anything like the ps3 and ps4 before it, it will be simple and easy to swap it out for a much bigger drive.
Its a moral absolute that what the CCP is doing in hong kong is wrong. Its not a matter of opinion, one side is right the other isn’t. This is not some debate. The ccp violated the agreements they made with HONG KONG and now they are reaping the rewards of their dishonest intentions. I think what the people of Hong…
Its from a Kojima game called Policenauts
That company made their mark outside of china, if they cant survive without kowtowing to the CCP’s insanity in regards to Hong Kong, then they don’t deserve to, no business who would do so DESERVES my money especially when they could have supported somone who did something brave and lost everything for it. I for one…
Fucking PREACH
thats why it will never be done, the ruling class doesnt police itself.
How about accessing decent customer support? After all, Bungie applied the season passes of thousands of people to steam accounts with no characters after their cross save system reset for them on launch day, and now are telling all those people to buy another season pass because there’s nothing they’re going to do…
They know that they’re full of shit, they’re grifters, con-men and women.
Our society in particular, not every society. Didn’t used to be this anti-science, but ever since climate studies started running afoul of endless profit things have begun to be muddled. Instead of the question “what should we be doing”, the only thing our society cares about is “what is this going to cost”.
I have zero sympathy for this drunken fascist enabler. Why should anyone?
Persians, in this case. Not arabs.