
This also perfectly emulates his spray tan orange face and faux blonde hair.

Hearse.  1000%.

Now thats I dont wanna say a deep cut, but daaaaamn. Well played.

This administration needs something that really speaks to its loves of processed foods, tacky commercialism, and phallic imagery.

Well done!

Indeed. The unfortunate part is this would fly 20,000 ft. over the head of 80% of the American public.

I mean, why not just give the people what they want:

That Lincoln suggestion is cold blooded.  I second it.

Once again proving that even though the UK is a total basket case, it still manages to be better than the US in practically every way.

wish I could give you more stars 

You can get all kinds of things road legal in the UK, but I guess  the wank panzer is a bit too much. Every time I see one it looks uglier to me. 

I’ve seen a a few here and there in Ottawa and the GTA. My neighbour has one. Looks smaller in person.

A clown car, fit for the clown who’s about to occupy the office.

One of these. Im saying that means hes dead and his brand of nightmare is hopefully over, not outright killing him so dont even start.

This one. We can probably just rent it as we’ll only need it for the trip from the inauguration. Think of all the money we’ll save.

Cyber truck. May as well lean into the rolling dumpster fire the new admin is.

One that inadvertently drives into a river.

If he’s in it it will be know as the Clown car instead of the Beast