
It’s Canada and that would NOT have been polite.

It would be interesting to see it as a cloaked revival of the C7. 

It’s whole-assed LOL


Meanwhile the WRX owners are drinking motor oil with the second gen Forester XT owners.

I had a Mirage as a rental a week ago. It was miserable at accelerating, but the AC was super cold, and it got 35+ MPG while beating it between stoplights during 105 degree weather in Central TX (which you had to do, because see above). It even had bluetooth and backup cameras. I wouldn’t want to daily it, because of

Unless... if it’s a really well-restored one, which tells me you’re an ENTHUSIAST of those things, but you do them at home LOL. 

“if you break into this truck, you can steal guns”

I’m on my 2nd Subaru, and headed to the tattoo studio today to get my Subaru tattoo. I’ll be wearing my Subaru t-shirt and hat.

I drive a 3rd gen Forester (XT, so I guess I have a little more in common with the WRX crowd than the Outback crowd).

I love the Subaru drivers on the road, for the most part. They’re usually

Football coach/Health/state history teacher.

Which means you’d never have to go to McDonald’s again, only to find theirs is down. 

Yep, one of my favorite new video games in recent years is Punk 2077.

I honestly think that these abominations will forever tarnish the use of the prefix “Cyber” on any product moving forward.

Thanks a-fucking-lot, Elon.

William Gibson should sue. 

I kind of love that Crossfire for its hardtop weirdness.

Pontiac G6 had a 3.5L V6. It would take a very dedicated modder to get 2 more cylinders in that thing. 

Colon cancer would also be an acceptable answer.

DAMN those are still good-looking. Timeless design, and an engine that will never stop, because it’s a Toyota. The window regulators will cost you more than anything under the hood. 

And it goes across the passenger seat, so this is now a SINGLE occupant car. Ridiculous. 

Reading the accounts of the event, the Cossacks knew why they were there - to stir some shit. And the fact that every Bandido and Cossack there was fucking armed for battle should have been a clue.

That all criminal charges were dropped shows how piss-poor the handling of the case was by the authorities.

Is there a reason why I can see pending posts in my notifications but not in the actual discussion?