
What kind of idiot would risk exposing children’s positions in that situation?

That was Charles Whitman at the UT Tower.

Does the list look like 6 versions of the same 12 songs, plus a few others, or am I missing something?

I like Wilco. I like Son Volt. I liked Uncle Tupelo.
But this is heavy-collector territory. 

The 5MT transmission is rare because made of glass. The 6MT from the STi is better, but for an off road rig I'd get the 4EAT auto. 

Quite the Bakshi-handed compliment.

A Career ruined because women seen him naked.

Him getting “canceled” means nothing to me, my collection is permanent and I’ll find whatever else he puts out.

As for Louis c.k. What did he do wrong again, jerk off in front of people!? So fucking what. I also don’t respect the idea that adult women can be traumatized from seeing a dude nude.

Fuck this. It shouldn’t be referred to as a “GAME” at all. But Murkowski is showing her hand. It is a game to them. 

Where’s Eartha Kitt? 

Attempted murder and hate crime. 

So, our “enemies” are Asian immigrants? Fucking whistle a little louder. 

Is being an anti-Black racist part of the Asian immigrants’ “Welcome to Amerika” goodie bag, along with the white woman fetish?

Look to the sentence following the one you chose to quote.
MOST of Texas’ population falls in the major metros. There’s a fuckton of farmland and empty space out here otherwise. But the cities have been gerrymandered and suppressed to the the point where they are not proportionately represented at all. Our state govern

I am honestly not trying to concern-troll, or even “Not All Texans” the conversation. I do live in Texas. I even remember when Texas was blue. But I also understand, from a blue dot in a red sea, how much frustration we feel with the idiots who seem to enjoy voting against their own interests. I say “seem,” because

In pursuit of ‘free and fair’ elections, Texas may have a very real voting integrity issue on it’s hands now and I, for one, cannot wait to watch it implode.

Ahh, yes, the Snopes standard

You can still get covid with vaccinations, but the vaccine lessens the degree to which someone suffers if they catch it.

Actually, we very much love our freedoms. We just don’t believe it is up to anyone besides ourselves to grant them and take them away.

why have medical staff’s nationwide been reduced year to year throughout the pandemic?