Her costume in those panels looks so uncomfortable... why cut out fabric and expose skin right next to a belt?
Her costume in those panels looks so uncomfortable... why cut out fabric and expose skin right next to a belt?
Based on LeeLee’s iMDB and wiki pages, she quit making movies because she was in a string of unsuccessful ones. I’m glad she’s found joy in other places.
I was a little disappointed to see that Everything Must Go wasn’t listed among Will Ferrell’s dramatic turns.
Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
$15, but shipping is $8.99. For a box of paper masks.
$15, but shipping is $8.99. For a box of paper masks.
Yeah, nobody should ever wear any combination of colors ever.
Jesus, what a fucking joke. The Greek societies act like gangs over colors and “respect.” What a load of bullshit.
Why not just you know, go to college to learn shit?
Anyone whining about a character on a goddamn TV show wearing their “Colors” is just…
“You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.”
NO. Fuck them. They should not be in the hospital at all, taking up beds that are needed by people who actually care about their health. They can go to the church instead, and pray it away. Fuck them all.
Just park in front of university frat houses.
Only way to be sure.
UPDATE: Yes, she’s pregnant. Yes, it’s his.
13 years, I think.
In the end, Edwards said, “I love my woman, but I also love myself. That was the conflict, my desires. I would give in to my desires, and I desired other things at times.”
That is HIGHLY dependent on the kind of cheese. I’m fond of Colby cheddar and brie, but try and give me bleu cheese and I’m out of there. I’m allergic to mold.
And nobody is allowed to move house by state mandate. Right?
All sarcasm aside, gerrymandering doesn’t happen on its own. It’s brought about and maintained by elected officials.
These are wholly shitty places for anyone who is not a WASP male to live. While the Stockholm syndrome of anyone not in that category is understandable, my patience runs thin for this quixotic dream of the DNC to make Texas blue.
Why do you think it would be okay to literally abandon millions of people because their leadership is shitty?
Hell, we step in for other countries when that happens.
Maybe what is needed is a replacement for the state leaders - you know, like we do in other countries.