
The Bible is optional for everybody. It’s a choice to adopt archaic and oft-edited opinions of old dead guys as a way of life. But yeah, they’re hypocrites, too. ;)

KoA is the most fun I’ve had in a 3rd person Diablo-type. I see it as the spiritual successor to the Borderlands series, as well. 

This is some pretty long-winded victim blaming right here. I mean, yes, work harder to make your own living and stuff... but it’s so much harder to do when there actual policies in place to keep you from achieving the success, no matter how hard you work. In America, one of the hardest things to be is a successful

He has been encouraging police brutality since before he took office

That’s still editing. If you tweet support for Bernie Sanders and I append it with a fact-check that the congressional baseball shooter was a Bernie supporter, you’d be pissed. If I just tweeted back that fact, you wouldn’t care.

Speak for yourself. A lot of us LIVE in those states, and are going to be exposed more frequently because of high concentrations of idiots. For example, Austin,TX is about to become a hot spot, just watch. Gov. Abbott re-opened the whole state with pretty much no restrictions, and a lot of people took that to mean

Congressman get away with worse all the time.

They’ll play the outrage game when its our guy, but it’s crickets when a GOPer gets caught.

It’s the reason that Miles Morales was the right choice in Into the Spiderverse. We had already seen the Peter Parker version, and just making a racially diverse Spider-Man would have rung hollow, with such an amazing (no pun intended) character right there, waiting in the wings to take center stage.

i day dream that the secret service drags him out and chunks his stuff into the east lawn.

Damn. Straight-up distance learned that fool.

I feel like the figurative version of that happens daily. Only the country is dying instead of Captain Tumor.

...aaaaaand the person in line before me argued at the top of her lungs with the pharmacist that she was demanding it and making accusations that the pharmacy was witholding it to make Trump look bad. Cops were called and I was out of there before they arrived.

It’s his, in the way a leased car is yours.

During his campaign, Trump promised that he would run the country like one of his businesses. He has done that. Trashing the market with haphazard speeches, hawking unconfirmed cures for a deadly disease, putting his buddies in charge (and firing the ones who aren’t Trump “fans”). Every move has been self-serving.

GAWD, I hate hearing this moron speak. Even reading transcripts makes me cringe. But Trump spewing bullshit and downplaying the scientific work of MUCH smarter people with “better brains” than him because they’re not “Trump fans,” is just the nadir of the anti-intellectual movement that he has spearheaded since 2015.

“We can all rent Subarus!”

Depression is different things to different people. It’s going to manifest uniquely in everyone who experiences it... but I can understand her statement. When you live 50+% of your life in a black-and-gray world that feels like steel wool scratching at your brain and heavy weights on every extremity, the moments of

Here you go. It’s probably not an isolated incident.

Jumping out of my best friend’s closet when her parents told her I wasn’t coming over was a prank.