
Thanks for not doing a slideshow.

The hair. The shedding. The dander. We have a great cat we rescued (it was living under our deck). Totally awesome cat. Wouldn’t think of getting rid of it. But the thing is a fur-generating, hairball-creating, dander factory. Cat hair tumbleweeds are found in every corner. Surfaces that the cat doesn’t go near are

The guy with Angry in his handle talks of others being openly hostile. How precious.

I also neglected to mention in my original reply to you, but my children are atheists. I thought my original post was clear; I’m not raising them to be any specific religion, but they have been atheists since birth because they have never believed in any god/goddess/flying spaghetti monster, etc. We are all atheists

Right, I’m sure your neighbor is bringing her kids up with a solid understanding of Thor and Ganesha so that when they grow up they can make their own decisions.

We’re not openly hostile, but we do get tired of the Christian bullshit after a while.

I would echo the food / consumable options.

I was wondering if I was misreading the scene, but it really did look like Roman was openly flirting with Jeryd (I think that’s his name) in a very sexual way. I’m glad others also picked up on it.

Alice in Borderland (2020—)
3% (2016—2020)
Intacto (2001)
As the Gods Will (2014)
The Platform (2019)
Battle Royale (2000)
Circle (2015)
Cube (1997)
Animal World (2018)
Nerve (2016)
Panic (2021, miniseries)
13 Beloved (2006)
The Wilds (2020—)



Ah, you’ve pre-empted me there, buddy! I’m no Gen Xer, but I reckon Rush, while certainly all being dab hands on their instruments, were rubbish. I could take or leave The Police, but Sting’s subsequent stuff was dire.

I’m here to tell you that Rush does, indeed, suck

Also, if you come up with a name you like, Google it with your last name. Try and make sure there isn’t some, like, serial killer (real or fictional) who shares the full name.

Now playing

Everybody’s going to Mario or bread, but my old ass immediately thought of George Gobel sitting next to superstars Bob Hope and Dean Martin on the old Carson show and SLAYING them with one line. ‘You ever think the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?’

^^This.^^ I just had this conversation with my grad student son yesterday. My ex’s family lives several states away, and he’s been pressuring our son to join them for a big Thanksgiving gathering. But none of them have taken social distancing as seriously as they should be— one of his cousins got married in the fall,

I tried, after covid got my husband in April. His family didn’t believe. His father died this weekend. They’re having a family gathering for the funeral.

Please don’t release it with that plain square grille Nissan... this took me 10 minutes, I’m sure it can be updated at this stage:

4 years later i come up with the best headline of my life

I tried both Gboard and SwiftKey and ran right back to Swype. While it’s been discontinued and will no longer receive updates, until Google actively does something to make it break, it still works just fine and installs right away on every new device. Frankly, I appreciate that it will never receive all the cruft