Can anyone remember how many successful trips it did before Darwin’s laws of stupidity caught up with them?
Can anyone remember how many successful trips it did before Darwin’s laws of stupidity caught up with them?
I think you’re being too generous. I’d say it looks like the average of every current Nissan, Hyundai, and Kia SUV. Not impressive at all.
This exactly. Looking at the photos I was trying to work out which Nissan, Hyundai, or Kia it was a duplicate of. And I have to say I love every Hyundai and Kia out there - they are very stylish for the mass market, but I would not want a Lotus to be confused for one. Very disappointed, Lotus.
No reason was given for his cause of death. I’m betting it was auto-erotic asphyxiation So it was completely unknown in advance.
Which is why you need the checking I mentioned. But don’t worry, I am under no illusion I can change the system! My point is the jury system stinks.
I am under no illusion I can change the system! My point is the jury system stinks.
The Brits pronounce it “wark”, but I thought it was a baseball term, forgetting about strike!
Having gone through it once I think the entire jury process is stupid and a huge waste of time and resources. I would much rather take the French approach of 5 judges determine the outcome. They’re far more qualified than the rest of us to see through the lawyers and form an opinion.
FYI, this one is permanently cheaper than the INIU one at $11.49:
FYI, this one is permanently cheaper than the INIU one at $11.49:
I wasn’t clear. In order for there to be a charge of $1.05 on my bank account the fraudsters would have had to have listed my bank details on the change of address form. The USPS certainly doesn’t have them. So if $1.05 does appear then your bank details have been compromised. I doubt anybody who stole them would…
BTW if you’re missing the ability to search for a certain size of picture (e.g. over 10MP) just go to the advanced image search url:
How would you see an unexpected $1.05 charge from the USPS on your bank statement? The thieves have your address not your bank details. If they have the latter then $1.05 is going to be the least of your worries.
I bought a brand new 2006 TL with the 6 spd MT. Loved that car and I smile every time I see one on the road (which is usually a couple of times throughout the course of a day).
It’s always been about the car, not the driver. That’s why Lewis had no chance of being Champion this season or last. He didn’t suddenly become terrible. The only way we could find the best driver is if we change the sport on its head so that at the beginning of the season the drivers draw lots to identify which car…
The books were a set of chapters of brilliant science fiction ideas that were combined into a slow, turgid behemoth of dull, incoherent babble with no storyline at all. I hated reading the trilogy and couldn’t believe how truly bad the third book was. I hope they have at least made something coherent from it all.
It’s the Forward button we need. I’m sick of going back by mistake (or clicking too many times) and have no ability to return to where I was. I’m look at you especially, NY Times and Amazon apps.
My Samsung Galaxy phone has an entire Safety and Emergency section in the Settings Panel. It covers Medical Info, Emergency Contacts, Send SOS Messages, Emergency alerts, etc.
I think he chose his word carefully. I also think everybody got it without the need to be slapped in the face with the pun.
YesI bought a peloton and yes I haven’t used it in a while. But, boy, when I did I was on it every single day. And yes, “a while” is quite a few months, but I don’t regret buying it.