
Sounds like you need an android. My Galaxy 10+ has a 512GB microSD slot and I can change it out if I need. IIRC it supports up to 1TB microSDs.

BTW if that ever happens to you turn all the air vents onto him...

Anybody remember that urban legend of the woman who crashed her car as she was trying to feed her Tomodachi virtual pet in time? I wonder if we’ll get a crash from somebody feeding their Android 11 cats...

I stand corrected on your opera outings. 

And that’s the point. You’re succumbing to a marketed dream. I know we’ve never met but may I suggest that even without the current pandemic you’re unlikely to be driving this to the opera, parking in front of the theater house and stepping out dressed in a tuxedo in front of admiring eyes before tossing your keys to

Loved the review, as usual. I do have one gripe. When I become ruler of this planet the words ‘quintissential’ and ‘bespoke’ will be banned. I encourage you to voluntarily join this practice now. They are tired, dated, and overused, especially for all things English (and double especially to an American audience).

Oh - ha!  I never thought of that!

Yeah, agreed.  I have to say the same about Carl Weathers.  I kept expecting him to talk about how an alligator bit off his hand...

Very happy to see this trailer. The first season was so dull. I know there’s exposition and world building, but I was bored through it. I did persevere and this second season looks to be my reward. Looking very forward to it!

Agreed (I work in Pharma too).

Beth, this format doesn’t really help us. I wanted to know whether Biohackers is worth watching and so I clicked on this page. First you introduce the concepts of these reviews and then there’s a great big spoiler warning. I don’t want spoilers so I stopped reading.

If you live anywhere affected by wildfires it’s a good idea to stock up if you used your previous ones.

If you live anywhere affected by wildfires it’s a good idea to stock up if you used your previous ones.

FYI for Swype this is accomplished by swiping from the spacebar to the backspace. So you type a word, swipe from space to backspace and then type another word (e.g. Life then hacker) or add an s. Also you can swype from the apostrophe to the s to add s to a word ’l will add ’ll, and other words. The since biggest

There’s a video on this page (see the ‘Watch Now’) that shows it in use, including making a call.

It seems you haven’t looked at Microsoft products in a while then.  They’re premium builds, not cheap stuff.  This price point, although eye-popping, seems about right for a new technology like this.

You may also remember that this can be a security concern for the military:

I only believe our President’s map with the planned path of the tropical storm and until he publishes it I’m going to be just fine.

You do know that it’s subscription based now, right? For $10/month (as stated in the article) I get full Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, Camera Raw, Bridge, (as well as Premiere, Fuse, and XD that I don’t use). I don’t pirate, I think the price is reasonable, and I get new updates along with everybody else. No pirating

Hmm...there is a difference between number of positive cases and number of hospitalized cases.  Please don’t think that this situation is not as deadly as the press makes out.  Hospital ICU beds are over capacity in many parts of the country.  Remember, only about 1.5% of the population has tested positive and so we

I went to my doctor’s for a visit a couple of weeks ago. I only saw his receptionist and him, but out of the three of us I was the only one wearing a mask. I plan to conduct my follow-up remotely...