
And that’s the point. You’re succumbing to a marketed dream. I know we’ve never met but may I suggest that even without the current pandemic you’re unlikely to be driving this to the opera, parking in front of the theater house and stepping out dressed in a tuxedo in front of admiring eyes before tossing your keys to

Loved the review, as usual. I do have one gripe. When I become ruler of this planet the words ‘quintissential’ and ‘bespoke’ will be banned. I encourage you to voluntarily join this practice now. They are tired, dated, and overused, especially for all things English (and double especially to an American audience).

If you live anywhere affected by wildfires it’s a good idea to stock up if you used your previous ones.

If you live anywhere affected by wildfires it’s a good idea to stock up if you used your previous ones.

FYI for Swype this is accomplished by swiping from the spacebar to the backspace. So you type a word, swipe from space to backspace and then type another word (e.g. Life then hacker) or add an s. Also you can swype from the apostrophe to the s to add s to a word ’l will add ’ll, and other words. The since biggest

Hmm...there is a difference between number of positive cases and number of hospitalized cases.  Please don’t think that this situation is not as deadly as the press makes out.  Hospital ICU beds are over capacity in many parts of the country.  Remember, only about 1.5% of the population has tested positive and so we

I went to my doctor’s for a visit a couple of weeks ago. I only saw his receptionist and him, but out of the three of us I was the only one wearing a mask. I plan to conduct my follow-up remotely...

I got it for free with T-Mobile (T-Mobile Tuesdays FTW!).

Remember, folks. The purpose of wearing a mask is to protect other people not ourselves.

That’s a reasonable question and it’s pretty simple to answer. The purpose of wearing a mask is to protect other people. I go out and I don’t know I’m infected. When I cough, breathe, shout, sneeze, etc. I’m spreading the virus and without a mask it will make it into the air, onto surfaces, etc. The likelihood of

Snapseed is astoundingly, powerfully brilliant. It’s so simple, and intuitive to use. My workflow is ‘Crop’, ‘Tune Image’ (Brightness, Contrast, ..., Warmth), then ‘Selective’ to brighten any specific parts of the picture, then ‘Details’ to sharpen the image, and finally ‘Vignette’ (Outer Brightness -75) and I’m done.

I always count, “One! Two!” and then take the picture on two. You could yell “One! <Daughter’s name>!”  YMMV...

You make a number of interesting points above, and I think I would answer it all by suggesting that if we take a step back we’d agree that the world is a healthier place because of emissions reductions around the world.

I accept the maths and you’ve convinced me.  One star on its way.

I’d like to see how you get 95 MPG in your Tesla...  You carrying around gas cannisters in the trunk?

This description (“I cook everything with a little olive oil or butter or other fat and then just clean the pan like any other, with soap and hot water. I then dry it and put it back on the stove.”) is exactly what you need to do. A.A., please, please read this and the other comments in this thread, then change your

I have the Tresanti glass-topped standing desk. This thing is superior to regular wooden desks in my opinion because it has a drawer and there are usb ports on the side. It was available from CostCo and Bed, Bath & Beyond for around $350 so it was a bargain too (I’ve included a link to Amazon). Width was only 47",

I have the Tresanti glass-topped standing desk. This thing is superior to regular wooden desks in my opinion because

If that’s your tripod then I don’t think you’re their target market. Those tiny tripods have their place (and I have one), but they don’t compete with this one.

If that’s your tripod then I don’t think you’re their target market. Those tiny tripods have their place (and I have

Those are important points you raise and you’ll be pleased to hear that Peak Design has responded to all of them already. If you’re one of those people who shoots with the center column completely down, then yes, you’ll have to raise it only an inch or so to level the ball head. That said a couple of weeks ago they

Those are important points you raise and you’ll be pleased to hear that Peak Design has responded to all of them

So this is a replacement for Browster from 2006? I had missed that extension (it was available for Explorer and Firefox) and I’m glad I finally have an option for Chrome.