
Last year, when my oldest was 16 and a junior in high school, she was complaining to a friend about how hard she was working to save up enough money for a car. A boy her own age and in several of her classes offered to “hook her up” with some gentlemen who would be willing to pay for her services for a small fee....

Wait. That must be a joke article from The Onion, right?

Cat Trap - Cost of the tape.

There are even a peakbagger clubs with a state. Here in Nevada, the 52 peak club is for just around Las Vegas. http://www.52peakclub.com/

I’ve just recently taken up hiking as a way to exercise (I hate the gym) and way to escape from some unpleasantness. As the weather has gotten warmer, I have started investing in hiking clothes and a hydration bladder for my backpack. It makes it all so much more enjoyable.

Yep I’m a crier too. Those snappy comebacks sound stupid through tears and sniffles.


So, motherhood is a beautiful thing and women should be able to make decisions regarding their own reproductive rights as they see fit. However, as someone in her mid 40s with kids in high school.... is she freaking nuts? The end is in sight! I swear if I need anything to mother, I will get a puppy or volunteer at the

Right? I used to have an entire room set aside to store books. Recently I decidedicated that it is time to simplify my life, bought a Kindle, joined the library and started cleaning that room out. We don’t want to talk about blue eyeshadow in high school.

Just today I saw an add on TV saying that Rand Paul is “Wrong and Dangerous” and “Just like Obama” so I guess he is fair game for the peeps at Fox to go after him.

I am 6 feet tall and can never find dresses, one piece bathing suits or pants without shopping online. My biggest frustration is that women’s clothes don’t come in length and width like men’s clothes.

Oh my, if I had not already had several pounds of carbs in the form of fresh chips at the bar earlier , I would make this tonight! I think I know what is for dinner tomorrow.

Make your own! One part each of beeswax, mango butter and coconut oil, add a few drops each of vitamin E oil, sweet orange and mint essential oils. Melt and put in a tin or invest in empty lip balm tubes.

Make your own! One part each of beeswax, mango butter and coconut oil, add a few drops each of vitamin E oil, sweet

For 5 more days (yeah! I found another job) I work in a building that boasts seven (7!) celebrity chefs sponsored restaurants within its boundaries. I have found these uniformly overpriced, pretentious and the food mediocre at best. And I have yet to actually see one of these chefs in person at their special

——But seriously, "weakness, sweating, or fatigue" is a ludicrously unhelpful constellation of symptoms and a triage nightmare, it could literally be anything.

It is not often that a description of food will start me drooling and make my stomach actually make all of those noises.... This time, yep. I am sooo stopping at the store on my way home from work.

Oh yeah, she's a keeper....

Bigelow Aerospace already has an option to visit their proposed Alpha Station for the low low price of $51.25 million... Just check out their website.