You’re forgetting that a PS4 has decent hardware compared to an outdated mac and porting isn’t exactly easy because the PS4 version was designed for the PS4s architecture.
You’re forgetting that a PS4 has decent hardware compared to an outdated mac and porting isn’t exactly easy because the PS4 version was designed for the PS4s architecture.
I think it’s a nice little introduction and should remain in the game, well as long as it’s skippable.
I thought they were enabled by default, because mine were.
My PC case is worth more than my two Graphics Cards combined. ;x
It sucks too because I really like to play other maps, even the occasional cobblestone now and then but either my friends don't, because they only know dust2 or the matchmaking is just slow and the ranks will be poorly matched together.
You do complain that all the characters are slim and what not on the female side, but the same thing is to be said about the male side. The characters are all muscly and the stereotypical sexual preference of straight females. (All Thin and Strong.) Speaking stereotypically here of course, before anyone thinks I'm…
That's server side issues, running better is client side.
That's because Wind Waker is Cell Shaded, everything looks good Cell Shaded!
Your internet just sucks or you have shitty router settings. The PS4's network runs better than the Xbox360 and none of those things that you mentioned happen on my PS4 or my friends.
Sony should just push the god damn vita because it's got so much going for it. It's currently being left out for dead in the west.
I thought the XL came with an adapter everywhere but europe?
This game is so great for mods, I can't wait to see what kind of things will be released for TPP
It's because game releases have to be to less graphical so low/mid range PCs and consoles can run it smoothly. It's actually kinda of depressing actually, because the artists do put a lot of work into this and because the consumers hardware is limited (Due to money problems) they can't actually run things like this.
I guess I worded my original comment poorly and I apologize. I see how I could of been misconceived.
There isn't much option though and it seems like big impact choices shouldn't be made through something as simply replying to someone being social to you (In most cases.)