
I remember when I was younger it was such a treat to go to Subway and it seemed so fresh and delicious. Maybe my tastes have just matured, but it is noticeably terrible. Everything from the bread to the meat to the veggies just tastes of supply chain optimized fake-ness. I’d suspect over the years the quality of the

Car design has plateaued in general. Most mass market cars are very attractive these days but every brand has adopted the same general language. Everyone has stepped their design game up but at the same time have minimized their appetite for risk in the name of mass appeal. That’s why these days half the time you

Yep, but those are the ones that will post pics of their bad tips to instagram and whine about how the world owes them something, and bitch about making less than X amount on a Saturday night. Lots of people have shitty jobs, I'm not sure how servers became some sort of charitable class as opposed to anyone else.

The starving server is a myth. Everyone I know that serves or bartends does it because they make a lot of money off people's guilt and sense of charity. Not unheard of for servers and bartenders to top 50K at busy places in big cities, that's why servers are always entitled 20 something brats that think you OWE them a

His whole, "I'm a shy, insecure, recluse that wears flip flops and t-shirts" persona is just fucking sad at this point. Grow up, dress presentable for TV interviews and stop acting like an aloof 20 year old. You've been a Hollywood sellout for like 15 years now, nobody is buying it.

Drastic measures should be taken NOW to soften the behavioral and economic shocks, and stretch resources before it gets to crisis levels. Watering 3 times a week? That's insane. Much of the world seems to live perfectly fulfilling lives without tending to unsustainable landscaping in their front yards. If the worst

To the contrary, my liberal arts degree has left me with long term head injuries after banging my head against walls and wondering how I ever thought this shit was going to get me a job and why on earth I borrowed all this money. Stick it out for a couple years, pocket the money and retire before 30. It's about

There was a second inflator

None of the points you make changes much about my argument, which is really just skepticism towards Amazon's broader business plan and long term "end game" so to speak. We get it, Amazon's plan is to sell a lot of stuff at a loss to build consumer habits and lock them into the Amazon world for higher margin products

None of the points you make changes much about my argument, which is really just skepticism towards Amazon's broader

In many cases you are talking about the labor and gas of driving to one house being worth more the items themselves. The shippers got into bed with Amazon, I believe not fully realizing the scale that they would be utilizing them. Amazon is almost surely the most discounted customer, which would be fine in a scenario

In many cases you are talking about the labor and gas of driving to one house being worth more the items themselves.

I work in the logistics biz and I think Amazon has dug itself a hole with Prime in giving away too much for too low of a price. The 2 day shipping being the most problematic. A significant amount of Prime users have to be loss leaders, utilizing 2 day shipping almost daily for trivial items. I'm not privy to the kind

I work in the logistics biz and I think Amazon has dug itself a hole with Prime in giving away too much for too low

I disagree. Base model cars generally have the same stuff under the hood as upgraded models. When you pay for upgrades you are often paying for more electronic "layers" of stuff to play with, or unnecessary stuff like leather seats. I think a base model holds BETTER resale than upgrades because the hundreds and

I'll never understand how people and businesses justify paying that much... you're paying 10x more for better food, a comfier seat, and more ass kissing. Same plane, same smells, same wasted time. High end hotels, cars, and restaurants often only command 2-4x premium over "regular" options.

I'm pretty sure in high school there was kids that really thought High Life was actually good beer.

Here in Minneapolis a new brewhouse opens seemingly every week, but everyone here is so IPA happy there's really not that much variety. Would really like to see some more variations, particularly some Belgian style, but maybe there's difficulty I am not aware of. I find hoppy beers to be so damn bloating I feel like

Most of these new constructions are meant for quick profit and lack the quality to stand the test of time. My guess is in 10-20 years, when DINKS, Millennials, Hipsters, whatever have kids, lose interest, or just give up - move out, and these buildings age, things are going to slide backwards a bit.

While everyone laments the bygone glory days of air travel, they will not spend more for increased amenities. They book the cheapest flight. Air travel is comparatively less expensive than the days of regulation and glamour. Most people are willing to deal with the equivalent experience to a city bus and spend the

I recently read a very interesting book on the gentrification of Venice Beach, and one thing you can take away from it is that for every person that moves somewhere with at least some respect for the legacy residents and existing "charms" of a place, there are waves of others that simply see property waiting to be

I know, sounds like pure hell trying to juggle lies all the time, and double the usual relationship/family drama. These people have to have a significant lack of empathy and/or have very shallow definitions of a "'relationship"

I thought my skills declined so much that I couldn't even play softball either... but I played some pickup games of baseball and I realized that softballs are harder to field and catch than baseballs, at least for me.