
Buy a freestanding AC unit. They are more expensive, but much easier to deal with when it comes to the intake/exhaust through the window. Easier to move, and no condensation spilling either. I believe they are also more efficient but could depend on model comparisons.

The funny thing is, it's remotely conceivable that this sets in motion an elongated series of moves that eventually leads to Netflix buying a controlling share of Comcast and in effect Netflix becoming the de facto cable cartel it was instrumental in disrupting.

First/Business class is for egomaniacs and people that simply just don't care. Considering those seats on overseas and legacy carriers can be 3-10 times as much as coach, there's very little value added for that much money. Put up with a little discomfort for 3-12 hours and opt for a better hotel with your savings,

Im sure this family wouldn't mind cameras intended for physical security being turned on them to discover their own deficiencies and shortcuts in their own workplace. Get real, welcome to the world of global commerce, your shit will occassionally get crushed, tossed, or otherwise not kissed before it is gracefully

self reported? so basically these are just the circumstances where people actually admitted to doing it under the interrogation techniques of a "lie detector" test. So toss in the people that don't admit it and you're looking at a much larger problem than is being presented. What really concerning is that it doesn't

Knocks his friend off for talking to people he had "beef" with? Reminds me of the kind of the wanna-be ghetto drama that would go on in high school after a night at the 16+ club.

boo hoo, what ever happened to being an artist and being happy people enjoy your music? There's A LOT of really good music, art, etc. out there that will never be recognized or monetized. Besides, the game has changed, there isn't money in "selling" music anymore. If anything, he will sell more concerts because of the

What kind of overzealous DEA agent is wasting their time pulling over speeders?

Suburban expansion is the US mostly over... the old model of selling more cars to the newly minted middle classes, which worked from post World War 2 until the 90s is done. The question is if the good old boy, entrenched interests of the auto industry can save themselves from their own dinosaur mentality and actually

New technology is scary. take that hippies

I was a smartphone holdout for years until recently. I had a Nokia c3 that i beat on, and i liked the simple usability of Symbian. I finally bought a Galaxy Nexus recently but I was somewhat disappointed in its basic functions. For internet, multimedia and apps its an amazing device, but I would prefer a focus on

What is the point of a 3D map? It has no real purpose other than eye candy. I would rather put those resources towards better data and local info.

Ah yes, the perils of being young and rich. Looking forward to the next chapter in this series of articles about problems none of us can relate to.

Porn industry revenue as a whole is down around 50% or more from the DVD/paysite heyday in the early 2000s. At least from what I heard. I'm surprised producers still give out so much content for free. Piracy aside, the trailers the content producers put on the tube sites are usually enough not to bother with being

From my own experience and observing others, the main problem with online dating is simply this:

I'm not sure how state run exchanges of private medical insurance amounts to the "Feds" managing my medical care...

No because HBO is still beholden to the Cable industry (or at least thinks it is)

On a side note, this points out the gross inefficiencies of an antiquated distribution system: dealers speculatively buying cars from the manufacturer to meet undetermined demand from consumers. How about sending Volts where they are wanted, rather than randomly sprinkling them to resellers to wait for a middle man to

So... we should just reject electric cars and go full steam ahead on oil and combustion engines because change is scary and new technology is evil. Gingrich 2012.

I miss the Bangle BMWs. Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, Audi: they've all adopted psuedo-conservative styling that barely distinguishes any of them apart anymore.