
Yeeeeeeaaaaaah, none of that is accurate in describing what's going on here.
Blind trend-bait (like you describe) is bad, but maybe not as bad as blind cynicism.

Just got my vinyl copy of the Euphoria Mourning reissue in the mail. Super deeeeeeeee duper recommended.
Also, I still feel like the evolution of Soundgarden's sound over time is pretty astonishing and under appreciated.

My favorite SG record. Seemed like they had been working up to a really diverse record like that since the started. And one of the best track sequences ever imo. Going from Ty Cobb to Blow Up the Outside World, or Never Named to Applebite is always jarring to me.

Not a bad point. Probably a poor comparison.

It's a goddamn teen novel adaptation. Were you expecting gladiator? These useless rant articles are becoming way too frequent. I need a break. Maybe just for a week. Feel free to see other people. I probably will. We can talk again in a week or so, after i've had some time to think about this relationship. I'll still

Fuck you guys, this is the greatest damn thing.

Regardless of her intentions, the reasoning she gave was still wholly valid. Even if there was a deal in it for her, Spotify makes no sense for her when she has a record coming out anyway.

Agreed. Taylor Swift actually surprised me with how informed she sounded on the issue though. Nice name btw.

I will have to say in their defense that these guys were 13 and 14 when they wrote this and the singer dealt with severe anorexia in his teens (i.e. fat boy repeated endlessly?). Once they were actually old enough to attend high school, drive a motor vehicle, and see an R rated movie they made a couple pretty great

Many many issues here. The most major being the misunderstanding of "grunge's" earnestness. Punk was real and raw. But didn't show the emotional complexity that these bands did. Sure, there was a lot of ironic humor in the music, but that only made it more authentic. The made more themselves as they did everyone else.