
Sorry, this was a bad reply. But I agree with you! And I’m very sick of movies and TV shows and even, like, advertisements that profess to condemn something while directly and explicitly contributing to that thing they’re saying they condemn!

If you have read her statement, you will see that she says pretty much exactly what you did about acknowledging her. If he had ever shown any remorse, apologized or treated the act as anything more than “oops, I drank too much” - that’s all she wanted/needed. But to dig in and go for the “now I talk about the dangers

Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.

My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.

I’m just glad we can finally focus on the real victim, his dad’s stash of pretzels.

I refuse to Google this nonsense.

People always hatethe partynextdoor


I think he meant he wanted there to be a way so the poor woman didn’t have to sit at the table with her friend who tried to drug her for the better part of an hour. The restaurant did review the tapes, call the cops, and stall them. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that the manager wished they could have done more.

So Anika was never in as deep as she is making it appear and did not go into the backroom sessions she is saying are untrue...because, maybe, she was smarter (at that point.)

I just want to point out that you started off by saying the women who say SSM is a cult are“fucking crazy” and then proceeded to write a 10 thousand word single paragraph incoherent ramble.

Here’s the thing: I wasn’t sure, based on the article, what to think at first. However, having read your comment here and others by people getting defensive and decrying this article, I am now 100% sure this is a cult.

And it looked like she married the guy so he could get citizenship in the country or something and he probably was paying her for it.

Back in the very early 90s when I was an aspiring actress, I joined this group called the Actors Information Project which looked like something that would help kickstart my career and on the surface, it kind of did. But it didn’t take long to scratch beneath what seemed like a legit career coaching organization, to

I would add too that in general it is a bad sign when you need to pay more money to advance through the levels of any spiritual organization.

Three quick keys to figuring out if you’re in a dangerous cult.

I got thrown out of a cult once, and it was BRILLIANT! These things are awful and just... I wish more people would speak their mind IN the meetings. I was invited to one (now that I think on it, I do wonder if it wasn’t mostly women), and they told everyone that the source of our problems stemmed from trauma inside