
Nope. I’ve been a 34 since I turned 21. 24 years with the same waist size despite my weight going up thirty pounds. I won’t be convinced by your ridiculous conspiracy theories.

WoW has been my go to mmo since vanilla. I play other games of course, but I always end up drawn back into WoW. I gave up trying to “quit” WoW years ago. Every new mmo that comes out is supposed to kill it, but none ever do. Most of the ones that were supposed to kill it are now dead themselves. I have more days

I’d love to go back to tell the me that just saw Captain America the First Avenger that seven years later I’d see Bucky fighting in Wakanda with a sentient raccoon on his arm and not only would it make complete sense, it would fucking rule. What an astonishing achievement the MCU is.

I half expected Immigrant Song to start playing when Thor showed up with Stormbreaker and opened that shit wide up. But the Avengers theme worked just fine. Rocket and Groot kicking ass side by side with them was amazing.

Dang. You’re right.

Also a fantastic capper to Loki’s arc: he dies after fucking up a betrayal that’s not remotely as clever as he thinks it is, and his last words end up being completely wrong.

some of the best defensive talent in the league continues to waste away, and John Elway is somehow once again looking for salvation in Osweiler’s big, dumb arm. Perhaps there’s a better place for him to look.

Unless they can bring back my late teens with it this just wont be the same. Most of nostalgia isn’t about the game itself but everything else that was going on in life.

Its great that a huge chunk of the fan-base is thrilled and I hope they have fun, but at a certain point you have to stop romanticizing the actual

That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.