The motel key from the SyFy miniseries, THE LOST ROOM. It allowed a person to turn doors with a certain type of lock into a portal anywhere in the world. Then there is the gate that Hal Jordan used in GREEN LANTERN.
The motel key from the SyFy miniseries, THE LOST ROOM. It allowed a person to turn doors with a certain type of lock into a portal anywhere in the world. Then there is the gate that Hal Jordan used in GREEN LANTERN.
Considering that the Bifrost Bridge from the THOR movie acted like a Boom Tube. (Of course Jack Kirby had a hand in helping to create the Thor comic.)
Could play a Green Lantern, as long as it is G'nort.
Looks like a good setting for a D&D campaign.
The comments to this article are hilarious, I'm gonna be laughing the rest of the day.
I think luwaks are kin to the mongoose and the meerkat.
Oh look, the meat version of Kopi Luwak.
Nah, that is a trained squirrel.
Cruel Fairies?!? You don't either of the Courts taking an interest in you. Thanks to the bowderlization and Disneyfication of the legends, everybody thinks that Fair Folk are so goodie-goodie. Sheesh, watch Ella Enchanted for the character played by Vivica Fox, that is how the "Good" fae folk would act, when they are…
Supposedly, the Planet Ziest is Earth, in the far past before the last age.
As Mr. Wednesday -> W. Morgan Sheppard
This is the guy you want around when the zombies come, because it looks like he doesn't need guns.
April O'Neil is only a reporter in the 1980's cartoon, in the comic she is a computer programmer.
Sounds like all of the Earths are getting mashed together, again.
About time they start showing people that the Fae are not nicey-nicey.
They forgot peppers and eggplant.
The Slann have returned.
Take a look at this link. []
Actually, TimeWarner owns it.
Science is becoming more like magic everyday.