
So, Uhura gonna get a solo?

In the old Canon from before the Disney buyout, Luke and company met all kinds of Jedi survivors.

They aught to quit calling women who act like that “Karens” and go back to callin them “Shrews”.

Oh, look a grammer gatekeeper.

Have them show up on Earth-616, and meet Spiderman, the Avengers, and Dr. Strange.

He can also expel all of his stored solar energy, which makes him like a normal human until his batteries recharge. There is also gold kryptonite, and the fact that some writers give him a mental on/off switch for his powers.

He just has to supernova, expel all of his stored solar energy, and he would be like a normal human until his batteries were recharged. Or they could have sex in the Fortress with the red lights on, or were a piece of gold kryptonite jewelery.

In the old EU, it was because of a device that EVE-9D9 created that would cause droids to feel pain.

Just do like the convention goers did a few years ago San Diego Comic Con when the Westboro people showed up to protest.

Just think what someone could do with a toy drone in this day and age? Of course it would most likely cause a riot.

Please explain the  episode “Realm of Fear”?

Get Micheal Buble, Harry Connick, Jr., Huge Jackman, and Wayne Brady to be in it. 

Check out a movie called THE ZANY ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. George Segal plays the title character.

He could turn it into a musical on Broadway.

The version with Patrick Bergin did it better. It came out the same year.

To stop an alliance between the vampires Count Dracula, and Lord Ruthven from taking over Oz, as a staging point to challenge Immortals of the Forest of Burzee.

The white people that really need to be standing up and fighting are the Republican White People in the Congress. If not impeaching 45 and his shadow, then telling him “I don’t think so” when he pulls this shit. They are too worried about being voted out when the next election comes.

This is a Bond Car not and R/C Car.

A landspeeder, Phil Coulson’s flying car Lola, or the Time Bureau’s Travel Doors from Legends of Tomorrow.

You know if Disney really wanted to cause controversy about BLACK PANTHER, they could have thrown in T’Challa’s adopted brother, Hunter, also known as WHITE WOLF.