Talia Freeda Santogol

I thought it stood for serial-town!

Sons of Anarchy


Also: "Julie would bring up the film Titanic. There were all these cost overruns, and scheduling overruns, and everyone was predicting doom for that movie, but James Cameron got it to work. If he could, why couldn’t we?"

You should have asked, "Why didn't everyone involved realize this would be a piece of shit from the title alone?"

Jimmy = Ginger?

Although she might have just had a nosebleed!

After that, try out Seeso!

Oh, and also there's a rape demon.

I'm calling the finale: It's the year 2025. The hotel was torn down in 2015 after mysterious circumstances. Everyone is a ghost. The vampires are vampire ghosts. No one noticed that the murder hotel was replaced with high end condos. They're all just busy ghostin' it up.

I thought "three weeks" was her being sarcastic with the doctor- because she was clearly 9 months pregnant? But since it is AHS, it could also be that it really was three weeks but vampire babies do whatever they want. Who knows!

Oh good, I can stop pretending this was good just because it had a comedy pedigree, then.

Am I hearing things, or did Matt Bomer's character call himself "Donald" when he was pounding on the door at the end?

Naw, the house is in LA, and in 2015, what nobody has thought of yet is that LA is the new New York! You'll be on the (haunted) zeitgeist!

This is really the most important question.

Yup. She's secretly owned the hotel for decades but was running out of money so sold it to the most clueless character on AHS since Vivian "Should I leave" Harmon…
Holy shit, did Murphy & Co actually show, not tell, this plot thread?

But you can get Grindr in it!

And then they go home and are murdered by a serial killer in their shower!

If this was shot in 2001 why does it look like 1985?