Might have been over a girl...
Might have been over a girl...
That entire answer was HOT FIRE. Hot fire I tell ya! It’s like, a way more eloquent and smart way of saying “What do you think?” when someone asks a stupid question.
Is there any journalist IN THE WORLD who will point out to Trump in person that while he is saying a lot of words he is not actually saying anything? I mean besides Jon Stewart, who is not technically a journalist.
It’s far more than just about world PvP. Whether or not you can fly informs a LOT of how the developers make the zones. Go check out the Cata leveling zones to see what an Xpac with flying from the start looks like. Vast swaths of nothing. Hyjal is a big open boring forest. At some point flying was the “but” they had…
Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.
I’m conflicted too. However, I firmly believe that if you tell people that they are completely unredeemable, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and they will decide that being a pervert is their unwavering identity. That's pretty dangerous.
Thank you for articulating my thoughts. I am very conflicted about all of this because I’m certainly not pro child molester but these people have done their time as required under our justice system.
I don’t like sex offenders any more than the next person, but I think it’s pretty dangerous to make their lives so damned unlivable that the ones who want to be rehabilitated lose any motivation to stay on the right path.
Rogues get an underground lair, sort of like a dungeon.
Except health insurance isn’t free. You’re paying for those free $600 Epipens with higher premiums.
You take that back! Libertarianism is the best tarianism!
The red tape is what is holding up the wealth from trickling down, right?
Ya, ok.
I think Kanye is a self involved, pseudo intellectual, full of shit, prick, with the intellectual equivalent of an 8th grade girl. I’m not going to pretend, like apparently I have to, the he is somehow a revelation. He’s not.
Dismissed. Anyone else want to use a new burner to blame the victim? Come at me you pieces of shit.
So don’t click on them and don’t play the game. Seems pretty simple.