
No- she didn't abandon the child. She had what could reasonably be assumed is competent child care. We don't know how late the daycare was open. The drop-in daycare we use has a once-a-month "date night" that goes to midnight. If the daycare forgot about the child (which I assume they did because they locked him in),

I think it'd be weird to be her son, in that situation.

Yes, precisely. Dick is one thing; shady dick is quite another.

If enough of us do it at once it will sound like a drum circle.

It is always acceptable to wake up a guy for sex. Trust me. I'm not just a guy, but I play one on TV. Well, not actually "on" TV. And I guess I should quantify "always", while I am at it. As long as guy does not say anything along the lines of "I have a long day tomorrow", or "I need to get some sleep before my 6

The outcome if you wake him for sex is that he will be stoked. And then you guys will have sex.

Right? For that matter, I'd be interested in separate rooms.

You can call cars terrible on the same level as ATVs once ATVs have the same number and quality of safety features that cars do. Until then, STFU.

Guys. For $2 I will kill you off on my Tumblr devoted to Jezebel commenter fanfic. Be the first one to die in the next edition of my hit series "Lesbian Shitasses 3: Problematic Lentils and Diva Cups."

I wish I had money.

I wish CNN had woven in the phrase "But this Leith Massage has a happy ending..."

I still don't see how this bikini even works for "most" shapes. Nothing about that slideshow was representative of every/almost/most/kind of a lot of different body types.

Are the three ladies pictured supposed to be differently-shaped from one another? I am not seeing it.

I live in Ga and this was on the news. They had a segment about the people rallying around the victim. It was definitely refreshing to hear.

Does nobody remember the creepy weird urban legend horror stories from before us? Bloody Mary? Candyman? Etc.

"why do we even have a separate system for trying children and adults if every time a child does something horrific, we're just going to try them as an adult anyway."

This. The whole point of having a separate system is precisely due to these kinds of extreme acts of violence.

I could almost, *almost* see trying, say,

Personally I'd be more impressed if he cleared everything without wearing pants. In fact I'd love it if there was a series where someone went about beating games without pants.