
I live in Madison, so whatever the Walker administration and his lackeys have to say, I hear about it. It’s been depressing with the attacks to funding of badly needed Madison projects and services (we spend too much money on snow removal, dontcha know?).

I often dream of living somewhere warm and socially liberal that

Oh no. No “popping off” allowed. That’s something gangbangers do.

I miss your commenting. I don’t see you nearly as much as I did back when The Consumerist still had a working comment system.

My buddy was literally 50 feet away from this shooting when it happened. It’s a fucking mall. It echoes like a canyon. So when someone fires a gun in one (second shooting in a Madison mall this year), how do you pinpoint the noise? Should everyone CCL holder pull their weapon and aim? Where should they aim? Oh, I see,

Well, when one protests by saying “please don’t stick your thingamajigger in my hooha, that can be misinterpreted several ways.” Mistakes will happen.

I used to work in childcare and we were not allowed to use nicknames for genitalia with the kids. My jaw dropped when I overheard a mother talking to her 5 year old

Looks like Shishio Makoto to me.

In high school Jazz band, our best talent were the girls. In chorus, the best singers were women. I think I need to revisit Ani DiFranco.

If it was scrubbed from the internet, Prince probably did it himself. Don’t get me wrong. He’s an amazing artist, but he’s more than a little strange.

Also, the entire Gawker network used to be really attractive to us Madison liberal types, before the trolls moved in.

Hah! Someone from St. Louis calling Chicago a toilet. I might be crying a little bit.

And because they’d already been cleared by immigration.

Ditto, on both counts.

The felony charge of fleeing law enforcement was dropped. Sounds like the cop was a real asshole too, considering less than two years earlier there had been an incident of someone pretending to be a cop in that area. http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/por…

I’d like to read that story because that is not illegal in and of itself. If she was actually arrested there has to be more to it, or the cop is being a dick and she will be able to successfully contest it.

Call 911. There are a lot of frivolous 911 calls, but verifying that you are being pulled over is not a frivolous use of 911.

You put on your emergency flashers and you dial 911 to confirm that there is an officer pulling you over and not someone pretending to be an officer. If I’m in the city I pull into a parking lot that is well lit. One, to feel safer (and I’m a white cis-male) and two, so my folly is not impeding traffic in a city where

It was a gift. He even bought a leather jacket that zips for it.

Same here. I won’t be speaking to my father in the near future. He’s a devout Catholic (I am atheist). I’ve been using the King James bible, the same one he reads from daily, quoting scripture that counters everything he’s been supporting in politicians. I may have said some hurtful things as well, but I’ve made my

I have been fantasizing lately that about 10 months from now, when he’s got everyone frothing at the mouth, he’s going to drop out of the race after a lengthy speech chastising his adherents for so easily being led into being fascists, proving that he was right when he said his fans/followers/supporters were in fact,