
Not always. Don't forget about those high profile unsolved murders...

The sad thing is that she allegedly organized the party for a friend's birthday and hired the DJ.

The story from WKOW says the DJ was not aware of which song it could have been. Another local DJ, Nick Nice, has gotten the DJ to come forward and apparently on his facebook page they are combing the playlist to find the offending song.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a DJ in Madison to play Jump. Most DJs around here don't take requests, because people are dumb when it comes to music moods, which is why everyone isn't a DJ.

Not as bad of a name as Dominionists like Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Condoleeza Rich and Dr. George Grant do. Candace, I can understand. It's kind of the protestant "prim & proper" thing. And at least her brand of Christianity doesn't believe in dominion, dominion over every person and thing.

I have got to start watching that show.

It's just much richer than a modern chicken egg. I describe the intensity of the flavor as "if you took a 16 oz steak and put all the flavor in one bite, that's how intense it is," except, you know, seafood.

Yeah, my S.O. loves Indian food but cannot handle much more than black pepper, so I learned to make a couple different curries. I also love Indian cuisine, but the amount of sugar in a proper curry is frightening (though I'm new to making curry) and I follow a low carb diet. I really should work on making the

Also a guy. I wanted a shiny shaved head. I shaved my head, applied Nair for 20 minutes, then proceeded to spend the afternoon in the sun. The WORST sunburn I have ever had exacerbated by the Nair. Never again.

My current gf is an only child with particular, set in stone tastes. It bothered me at first, but I got over it. I cook for her all the time, so not having to figure out what we'll both eat is actually a time-saver.

Does it make me sad that her favorite dinner is grilled cheese? Sure. But I take consolation that

The most daring thing I've tried in recent memory was at a sushi place. Now, I love sushi, but sea urchin with raw quail egg is something I won't soon forget, or repeat. As if urchin isn't rich enough, you get egg right on top. My palate did not understand how to cope with it. But hey, as long as I didn't have to

This is a terrible fucking idea. Who thinks it's a good idea to burn bridges before you cross them?

It may be rare, but it's not unheard of in any surgery that uses general anesthesia. I know you don't have to have it for wisdom teeth, but I did, because the one thing I didn't want by being "awake" during my surgery was the memory of the sound as they cut each tooth in fourths any pried out the pieces (3 were

Let me ask, what were the other steps the school took? Because I've seen the statement that they did, and that later they told him to leave the bag at home, but I've yet to see an article cover the initial steps they took. Do we know whether teachers observed and found that he was much more likely to be bullied when

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. To me, it was the most obvious step to alleviate bullying. If I had children it's what I would do, because some fights are not worth fighting.

I'm not defending the bullies, you moron. I'm defending the schools decision to protect a student in the most economical way possible, but you're so "but it's appeasing the bullies!" that you can't see their action for what it actually was.

I'm not making any more assumptions than most of the commenters on this story.

I whole-heartedly disagree with you. You either want this kid to stop being bullied or you want him to be the poster-child for the bullied. You aren't going to get it both ways. His life is ruined thanks to his mother. You pick the hill you want to die on and she picked it for him. Sometimes you fight, sometimes

Please, compare bullying to rape one more time. RAPE IS NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING AS BULLYING AND NEITHER IS THE VICTIM BLAMING. You cross an abysmally stupid line when you compare the two, because if I walk up to a rape victim and say "I know just what you're going through, you should just get over it because

It doesn't matter how the data is stored because (unless I'm mistaken) it isn't tied to the user, just the demographic.