
Because the Republicans are a bunch of whiny titty babies who refuse to approve a budget if it doesn’t have the stupid shit they want in it.

You could describe every Zlatan bit of skill and goal with this exact sentence.

I know the likelihood of it passing through the Senate is (knock on all the fucking wood) slim, but this shouldn’t quell the outrage. These “representatives” don’t represent women. Full stop.

It’s really scary how we live in the age of easy access to information, but people still operate using incorrect information.

I’m so angry that I can’t even be snarky. My heart goes out to everyone this affects. I go to PP for my primary care here in Toronto, so if I was just an hour south of the border, i would be in fucking tailspin mode.

Sliding back into the stone age is very popular with Americans these days. At least that’s what anyone watching our news would think.

These fuckers.

Reminder: Tina Fey was beating this drum years ago...

Turns out Mindy didn’t even say that. Tina asked the question & answered it herself.

These women are the reason why Tina Fey should not be inviting Mindy Kaling to make sex jokes about Bill Cosby. Particularly as those jokes invite a conflation between sexual assault and sex. Rape victims often live in silence, as many of these women did, and this silence can be traced to a variety of factors,

Don’t debut it at the cookout. Invite your bro-in-law over sometime, cook it for him, see how he reacts. If he gushes over it, bring it next time. Next weekend, play it safe and bring the drinks.

Unless you know someone, or recognize a face from somewhere, “dropping in” on anyone’s cookout is pretty much a no go, I’d think.

This is fantastic information, thank you. A follow up?

So 40 years ago he quoted a peer-reviewed journal article that made some wild claims. You think that has to be “justified”? Why?

Greatest tweet of all time.

bernie was sassy as fuck last night

It’s not a democrats vs. republicans thing. It’s about recognizing that someone whose only move when backed into a corner is to call someone a hater or bimbo will not be a good president, even to the very rich.

I sincerely apologize to those in and around the game of hockey, who have been affected by my situation,

I don’t think he’s even that pretty. I like my men a little more Doc Marten, a little less Uggs.

Sure, special preference should only be based on who your daddy knows or went to school with.The idea that success is based on merit is such a fucking myth.