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    I do this all the time. I catch myself saying it 50% of the time and it just keeps slipping out the other 50%, okay. Like you said I don’t want to be a hard ass. It’s become habit.

    This is by far the best review of the game I’ve read. I finished Ch.13 last evening and was pissed at all the missing exposition. Yes it was fun to guess that the empty cloak on the throne was the emperor’s but at the same time I was asking “Who the fuck is the emperor? That one old guy I saw briefly in a cutscene at

    Is it racist to have it there? When was the glass installed? Should they take it away the same way people edited out the WTC towers after the Sept. 11 attacks? Was it put there to gloat? Shouldn’t we (Americans) remember that it was part of our history? We shouldn’t be proud of the period but we should learn from it.